The GHS The Globally Harmonized System for Classification & Labelling of Chemicals K. Headrick, Health Canada
NAFTA Experience
15-18 November 2005Global Workshop on GHS Implementation Capacities 3 NAFTA Technical Working Group for Pesticides Project Goal: “To exchange information among countries regarding GHS implementation issues, mechanisms and timing, in order to achieve a harmonized process among NAFTA countries and implement the GHS as it relates to pesticides in a coordinated manner”
15-18 November 2005Global Workshop on GHS Implementation Capacities 4 NAFTA harmonization – Workplace Chemicals NAFTA Occupational Safety & Health Working Group is examining harmonization of hazard classification and communication requirements using the GHS as the basis for the discussion.
15-18 November 2005Global Workshop on GHS Implementation Capacities 5 Coordination between US-Canada Good coordination between –US EPA – PMRA Intend to release a comparison of proposed approaches between EPA and PMRA –US OSHA – WHMIS,PSP,HC –US CPSC – Consumer Chemicals, PSP,HC Note: US DOT and TC are taking steps to implement the GHS via the UN Sub-Committee of Experts for the Transport of Dangerous Goods.
The GHS The Globally Harmonized System for Classification and Labelling of Chemicals