TPCASTT (a way to Analyze Poetry) Poetry Analysis TPCASTT (a way to Analyze Poetry)
How do You Analyze a Poem? TPCASTT is a process to help you organize your analysis of poetry – any poem You have the vocabulary for literary analysis, so now it is time to put it into practice! Together we are going to analyze a poem using TPCASTT – grab your blank note sheet. Feel free to add the definition for TPCASTT as we go.
T is for Title Analyze the title first What do you predict this poem will be about? Write down your predictions We will reflect on the title again after we have read the poem. The next step is often omitted, but it is the most important…
P is for Paraphrase Remember that paraphrasing is putting something into your own words After reading the poem, rewrite it in your own words This may be three sentences or a page – it all depends on the particular poem
C is for Connotation Remember that connotation is the feeling or emotion that we get from the words we read Analyze the figures of speech and sound effect of the poem – These are the poetry literary devices we have defined List the literary devices and phrases or lines from the poem Simile Metaphor Symbol Onomatopoeia Denotation/Connotation Assonance Consonance Hyperbole Tone Personification Alliteration Imagery
A is for Attitude Attitude is just like Tone – which is the attitude of the speaker/writer toward the subject of the poem How does the writer feel about the subject? Happy Sad Excited Depressed Confused Angry Etc…
S is for Shift If there is a change in: Time Tone Speaker This should always be noted, as this will also affect the meaning of the poem
T is for Title (again) At this time, reconsider the title: Were you right in your predictions? What other meanings might the title have in light of your analysis?
T is for Theme You already know what theme is – the general insight into life conveyed by the author through his or her work. It’s the big idea of the piece, that we can apply to our own lives. Remember that one word does not create a theme – Love, Sadness, Peace, etc… Write a theme statement – a sentence that states an idea that is true to life and the human condition.
Now you have an analysis With your TPCASTT completed you can provide an analysis of the poem. This may take the form of a paragraph, a discussion, answering questions in class…