NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest
2 NOT take the place This training does NOT take the place of reading the appropriate manual Monday June 23 Tuesday June 24 Wednesday June 25 Thursday June 26 NO TESTING5 th /8 th Math 5 th /8 th Reading Make-Ups INCLUDES ALL TEST VERSIONS INCLUDES ALL TEST VERSIONS – STAAR (English & Spanish) STAAR MODIFIED STAAR L (on-line) June Retest Administration
NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest
Test Administration Directions Narrow call-out boxes Narrow call-out boxes contain procedural instructions. They do not have to be read aloud to students. These instructions may refer to individual tests, multiple tests, or program-wide information Wide call-out boxes must Wide call-out boxes in the test administration directions contain course or program specific instructions that must be read aloud to students, if applicable 4 NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest 2014
Test Schedule & Script Tuesday, June 24 th STAAR Math 5 th -Script in TA Manual pp th -Script in TA Manual pp STAAR Spanish Math 5 th -Script in TA Manual pp STAAR L 5 th -Script in TA Manual pp th -Script in TA Manual pp STAAR Modified Math 5 th &8 th -Same as STAAR Math above Read and Follow VERBATIM Wednesday, June 25th STAAR Reading 5 th -Script in TA Manual pp th -Script in TA Manual pp STAAR Spanish Reading 5 th -Script in TA Manual pp STAAR L NO STAAR L Reading Test STAAR Modified Reading 5 th -Script in TA Manual pp th -Script in TA Manual pp NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest 2014
You may answer questions about test directions or procedures Answering Students’ Questions Allowable I can’t explain it to you; just respond to the question the best way you can.” Response to questions about the content = “I can’t explain it to you; just respond to the question the best way you can.” NOT “I can’t answer that for you; just do the best you can.” If a student asks a question that you are NOT permitted to answer, you may respond, “I can’t answer that for you; just do the best you can.” NOT You are NOT allowed to do the following: translate test questions or passages rephrase or add information to questions discuss test questions with anyone before, during, or after testing score test questions or discuss performance with students Test Security 7 NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest 2014
NOT Testing Personnel may NOT: alter responses to an exam or advise a student to do so erase stray marks, darken answer-choices, or respond to test items during test administration administration answer any questions related to the content of the test discuss, electronically capture, or duplicate test material reinforce, review, check for, and/or distribute testing strategies during an assessment assessment read or review test material content unless authorized to provide an oral administration or transcription leave loose and/or used materials in test booklets. Please collect them from return them with test materials at check-in examinees and return them with test materials at check-in 8 NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest 2014 Test Security
NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest
Responsibilities Ensure all instructional aids and materials are covered Make sure that all seating areas are cleared of books and other materials that are not required or allowed for the test Ensure each student is issued the appropriate test and has the correct, corresponding answer document NOT Personally distribute test materials to each student- do NOT allow students to pass materials to one another Verify students have the answer document with their name on it Make sure that each student has written his/her name on the test booklet before you collect it 10 NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest 2014
Active Monitoring Actively engaged in monitoring the test Is moving around the room, pausing in various places Confirming students have no unauthorized materials, including cell phones Making sure students are awake, alert, and on task “You have not recorded all of your responses on the answer document. Please do so now.” Ensure the student has placed their responses on the answer document and if the student has not done so, the TA must say (as many times as necessary), “You have not recorded all of your responses on the answer document. Please do so now.” Notify CTC as soon as possible, if student is not marking answers on answer document. 11 NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest 2014
Lack of Active Monitoring Working on the computer or s Reading a book, magazine, or newspaper Grading papers or planning lessons Leaving the room without a certified/trained Test Administrator/ Monitor in the room Leaving students unattended during lunch or breaks Failure to notice student(s) who are not working independently 12 NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest 2014
13 NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest 2014
Emergencies During Testing Should an emergency or unusual testing situation arise at your campus during testing such as: – student is sleeping or insubordinate – Student is not marking answers on their answer document after you have reminded the student to do so – student has an emergency, or becomes ill – possible cheating Notify an your Campus Testing Coordinator or Administrator immediately 14 NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest 2014
Ensure Proper Testing Procedures Remember: Complete seating charts for each test administration for each day of testing. This includes consolidation areas Seating Charts must contain: Names of students testing and locations in the room Names of all TAs/Monitors involved Starting and stopping times for the test session, including lunch Student Test Booklet Numbers NOT Students must remain seated during testing and can NOT talk to one another once test materials are distributed Examinees may be relocated to an alternate testing room as long as test security is not breached. Testing personnel must carry students’ materials 16 NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest 2014
Reference Materials for Math 17 NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest 2014 embedded in test booklets perforated so students can tear them out DO NOT DO NOT leave reference or scratch paper in the test booklet Return ALL reference material that was removed from the test booklet and all scratch paper to your CTC Reminders for Math Test blank space is available in the Math section to make notes and perform calculations calculators NOT allowed for students taking the 3-8 assessments unless eligibility criteria for an accommodation is met
Allowable Test Administration Procedures and Materials These are available to any student who regularly benefits from the use of these procedures or materials during instruction, although a student cannot be required to use them during testing. Preferential Seating Allowing individual and small group administrations Gently reminding students to stay on task Giving permission for students to use tools to minimize distractions (e.g., stress ball, noise reduction headphones, or individual music-played through individual headphones or ear buds– This is NOT for the whole class) DIRECTIONS Signing or translating test administration DIRECTIONS only Reading test aloud to self (may require an individual administration depending on room size) Making assistive tools available: - scratch paper -blank place marker -magnifying devices -color overlays -highlighters, colored pencils, crayons (Do Not allow students to use on their answer documents) (Do Not allow students to use on their answer documents) The following items are NOT testing accommodations: 18 NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest 2014
STAAR Time Limits Time starts when test directions are completed Four hours must be allowed for test sessions Responses must be gridded in on the answer document by the end of the four-hour period Students who have not completed their tests within the allotted four hours must submit what they have completed Late testing is permitted as long as the student has not had any contact with students who have finished testing and there is enough time to provide later starters with 4 hours Consequences for allowing students to test beyond the four-hour limit: The student’s test can NOT be scored It is a Procedural Error, reported to TEA The only exception: Students who have extra time through their ARD, LPAC, or 504 Committee 19 NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest 2014
STAAR Time Limits STOP the clock AND document on the seating chart: Medical breaks required by a student Emergencies which affect students’ ability to continue testing Lunch Traveling from one testing location to another Restart Restart the clock when (or if) testing resumes Do NOT stop the clock for: Restroom breaks Snack breaks Stretch or mental breaks or sleeping Materials collected during a break: Materials collected during a break: When testing resumes, the TA must require students to confirm that the correct materials are returned to them 20 NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest 2014
Electronic Device Policy Reminders: – Applies to everyone in the room including TA – Devices should be turned OFF and NOT VISIBLE!! Explain to ALL Testing Personnel 21 NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest 2014
Campus Testing Schedule ADD your campus specific information about testing schedule (When will testing begin? How will late arrival be testing? What is the schedule for lunch?). What is your procedure for attendance? What is the procedure for the consolidation of students testing beyond the 4 hours? 22 NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest PISD Student Assessment STAAR 2014
NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest
Helping ELLs Can: directions Paraphrase, translate, repeat, read directions aloud The “SAY” directions assume students have been told in advance 1) that they can receive this help, and 2) what linguistic accommodations they can receive Not: Can Not: add directions that are different from those in the manual, or provide test strategies Note: ELL students who have denied Bilingual/ESL services are can NOT NOT take a Spanish STAAR Test or a STAAR L 24 NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest 2014
STAAR Modified 26 NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest 2014 Key Points- Reading Test Administrator MUST have a Test Booklet to read from Voice inflection must be kept neutral Can You Can: use a test booklet to read the pre-reading texts ONLY read ONLY the pre-reading text (marked with Speaker Icon) BEFORE as many times as needed BEFORE the student reads the passages CANNOT : You CANNOT : read the passages read the test questions or answer choices unless the student has Oral Administration Accommodation rephrase or clarify pre-reading text
NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest
STAAR 28 NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest 2014
29 STAAR M Precod e Label NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest 2014
30 NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest th /8 th Grade Answer Documents Book numbers TEA Policy and TA Manual directions state that students must write Book Numbers on their answer documents themselves. TAs must verify that the numbers are correct. Please note: No multiple forms are offered for June retest field to grid for the form number. No multiple forms are offered for June retest therefore there is no field to grid for the form number.
31 NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest th Grade Answer Documents English or Spanish TAs must verify that the correct language is gridded on answer document.
32 NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest th Grade Answer Documents General Accommodation Braille Administration Large print Extra Day Linguistic Accommodation Linguistic accommodations, as well as Type 1 and Type 2 accommodations are to be marked in this area. Mark the accommodation bubble for each accommodation that is documented and made available to a student, even if the student did not use the accommodation during testing. OralAdministration
5 th Grade Answer Documents 33 NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest 2014 Indicates that the student did not use this answer document for this test. They took STAAR L or STAAR M instead of STAAR. Other(Cheating/Ill) Score Code Absent Score Test to be scored Previously Passed Student either passed math or reading in the April Admin of STAAR. Parent Waiver Parent waived the right for the student t retest.
Returning Materials to your CTC “IN” Count test booklets, answer documents, etc. and CTC will initial the Materials Control Form for “IN” NO DROP-OFFs ALLOWED! Account for all materials during test check-in Verify that no answer documents have inadvertently been left in test booklets Turn in all materials, including scratch paper to Campus Testing Coordinator Verify that the test taken information and test form is marked on each answer document (per CTC’s instructions) 34 NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest 2014
ADD your campus specific information about checking in and out testing materials here timelines, location, procedures Use the information on the next 2 slides to help you prepare- – How will TAs notify you that students have completed the test – As you collect the finished exams, Verify that student name is on the test booklet Verify the correct booklet number was written on the top of the answer sheet Write test booklet bar code number, form number, student’s “end time”, and any accommodations used on the class seating chart Returning Materials to your CTC 35 NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest 2014
Tell TAs how you want them to return testing materials, for example: – Return TA Manual – Place test booklets with bar code facing up in numerical order from greatest to smallest on top of the pencils. Place the scratch paper, graph paper and all other materials on top of booklets – Place ALL signs including signs, class roster, restroom log, seating chart and answer documents in alphabetical order on top of the test booklets – All test materials should be in the bin at this point – sign this check-off list and place on top of all the materials. Do not throw anything away!! 36 NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest 2014 Returning Materials to your CTC
Questions ? If you have a situation that you don’t know how to handle, contact your Campus Coordinator/Summer Principal Please do not hesitate to ask if you have any questions before, during, or after testing! Thank you for making sure our students have the best testing opportunity possible 37 NISD STAAR 5th/8th Grade June Retest 2014