TF-CPR Compendium The results TNC 2013 – Elke Dierckens (Belnet) Maastricht / Bruges– 02/06/2013
TF-CPR Compendium: the results02/06/2013 TF-CPR
TF-CPR Compendium: the results02/06/2013 NREN in general / corporate communication eduroam Videoconferencing IPv6 Safe internet / internet security Next TF-CPRs: Focus on corporate communication Promotion of services Awareness concerning security Important focus areas
TF-CPR Compendium: the results02/06/2013 Websites Conferences Brochures Public Relations Next TF-CPRs: Branding Image Communication means
TF-CPR Compendium: the results02/06/2013 Most NRENs: use social media Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube Next TF-CPRs: Present successful cases Social media - evolution
TF-CPR Compendium: the results02/06/2013 Collaboration is key Again 65% of NRENS collaborates For services (network, eduroam, FileSender and Federated projects) Communication related topics Next TF-CPRs: Overview of the collaborations Promote collaborations Collaboration - evolution
TF-CPR Compendium: the results02/06/2013 Target groups shift: users Awareness – services / corporate Social media Conferences / events Launch of services Next TF-CPRs: Target group communication Cookbook for conferences / events Promotion of new services – marketing in NRENs Initiatives in 2012 / 2013