TG’10 Plans Aug 2-5, 2009, Pittsburgh, PA Richard Moore & Dan Katz TG Quarterly Sept 24, 2009
TG’10 Summary Core team has made excellent progress –Richard, Dan, Shawn Brown, David Moses, Warren Froelich Working towards balanced budget using conservative attendance estimates –Should have a very good “total cost of conference” Have signed contract with Sheraton Station Square Have made arrangements to publish peer-reviewed track papers thru ACM Recruited almost all chair positions Will initiate general team biweekly calls in October
Have recruited chairs for most positions; They will recruit team members Conference chairs: Richard Moore (SDSC); Daniel Katz (UC/ANL) Deputy chair: Warren Froelich (SDSC) Program committee chair: Shawn Brown (PSC) Science track: Philip Blood (PSC); Amitava Majumdar (SDSC) Technology track: JP Navarro (ANL); Michael Pflumacher (NCSA) Gateways track: Nancy Wilkins-Diehr (SDSC); Maytal Dahan (TACC) Tutorials chair: Nicole Radziwill (Espresso Labs) BoF chair: Sergiu Sanienvici (PSC) TG working groups: Matt Heinzel and Jeff Koerner (UC) EOT track chairs: Pallavi Ishiwad (PSC); Diane Baxter (SDSC) Poster track chair: Honggao Liu (LSU) Competitions chair: John Cobb (ORNL) Viz showcase: Eric Wernert (IU) Invited speakers: Daniel Katz (UC/ANL); Richard Moore (SDSC); Shawn Brown (PSC) Students chair: Laura McGinnis (PSC); Dave Ritchie (FNAL) [need to confirm Dave] Communications chairs: Elizabeth Leake (ANL); Jan Zverina (SDSC) Agency Liaison: Lisa Joy Zgorski (NSF) Logistics: Elvira/Lucille/David Moses (PSC) Proceedings: Bill Bell (NCSA) Sponsors: Richard Moore (SDSC); Daniel Katz (UC/ANL)
Key Dates (preliminary) OCTOBER TG’10 poster for SC Call for participation handout for SC NOVEMBER November 2: Room and space block review and commitment JANUARY January 8: Call for submissions for science, technology, posters and tutorials January 8: Call for submissions for visualization showcase January 22: Begin accepting submissions through EasyChair for science, technology, posters, tutorials January 29: Begin accepting visualization submissions through EasyChair FEBRUARY February 1: Room and space block review and commitment February 12: Student and EOT tracks are open, begin accepting student/EOT submissions through EasyChair MARCH March 1: Hotel block open March 5: Planning budget completed March 15: Registration fees, fields and process must be locked March 26: conference registration opens
Key Dates (Cont. - draft) APRIL April 1: Announce keynote speakers April 9: Tech, science, tutorials, EOT submissions due April 16: Viz Showcase submissions due April 16: Student submissions due April 16: Poster submissions due April 12: first newsletter April 23: registration opens MAY May 3: Site visit May 14: Notification of posters May 18: Notification of students May 28: Notification for tech, science, tutorials, EOT JUNE June 10: Confirmation of student participation June 10: Final submissions due for program/online publishing June 14: Newsletter June 17: Early registration deadline June 25: Contents for proceedings due JULY July 2: Cutoff date for accepting reservations into room block July 9: Camera-ready art for proceedings due July 19: CDs for proceedings burned July 30: Notify hotel of exact # of guests AUGUST August 2-5: TeraGrid 2010 Conference
TG’10 Budget Projections: revenues TG’08TG’09 (not final) TG’10 – student grant TG’10-no student grant # Paid full registrations # Student registrations Regist fee/late fee/tutorial fee 275/25/40325/70/80325/70/50 Approx registration revenues $91K$121K$104K$98K Vendor Sponsors$78K$40K GIG Conference supplement -$20K-- EOT Campus Champions supplement -$9K$8K Student grant supplement -$16K$15K- Estimated Total$169K$206K$167K$146K
TG’10 Budget Projections: expenses TG’08TG’09 (not final) TG’10 – student grant TG’10-no student grant # attendees (total) Catering$99K$233K$94K$81K A/V$26K$40K$25K Networking$7K $6K Conf Services$8K$26K$10K Communications $15K$13K $11K Room shortfall$5K$19K-- Conf guest rooms-$69K-- Other$4K$11K$14K$13K Estimated Exp$164K$418K$167K$150K Estimated revenue $169K$206K$167K$146K Variance+$5K-$212K+$5K$0K