What’s New in IPEDS 2005 OkAIRP Annual Conference Broken Arrow, OK Nov 4, 2005 New Strategies for Data Collection & Data Access Tools
Agenda Collection ScheduleCollection Schedule 2005 Changes2005 Changes Compliance ReportCompliance Report Future ChangesFuture Changes New Data Access ToolsNew Data Access Tools
IPEDS Schedule
Fall Collection Components: Institutional Characteristics Completions Schedule: Sept 7 Open Oct 19 Institution close Nov 2 Coordinator close
Winter Collection Components: Human Resources Employees by Assigned Position Fall Staff Salaries Enrollment & Finance (available) Schedule: Dec 7 Open Jan 25 Institution close Feb 8 Coordinator close
Spring Collection Components: Enrollment Student Financial Aid Finance Graduation Rates Schedule: Mar 8 Open Apr 19 Institution close May 3Coordinator close
Changes to Data Collections
Institutional Characteristics Collection of accreditation information was removed for because the Office of Postsecondary Education (OPE) implemented their Accreditation website. These data are no longer needed; IPEDS now links to the OPE website for accreditation information
Institutional Characteristics Collection of information on student services was reduced in scope based on an analysis of responses to these items. Data will be available on IPEDS College Opportunities On-Line (IPEDS COOL) in order to satisfy the need for better consumer information on topics of importance to entering students (e.g., the availability of on-campus day care).
IC – Applicants, Admissions, & Enrolled Total Column was added for those institutions that do not have complete gender data
First-time, degree/certificate- seeking undergraduate students MenWomenTotal # Applicants RRR # Admissions RRR # Enrolled FT RRR # Enrolled PT RRR R = Reported
Completions CIP:2000CIP:2000 –Mandatory in Fall 2005
Human Resources Assigned Position, Salaries, & Fall Staff surveys merged into one. Reduce collection burden & increase integrity of data. Combined survey was reorganized & instructions and definitions improved.
Medical School Expand definition of “Medical School”Expand definition of “Medical School” –Any school that grants an MD or DO Medical School pagesMedical School pages –Include all employees affiliated with (housed with or under the authority of) the Medical School –Do not include any employees in health disciplines not considered part of the Medical School
Also… OutOut –Faculty with less than 9-month contracts Continue to collect headcountContinue to collect headcount Eliminate collection of salary and expenditure informationEliminate collection of salary and expenditure information InIn –Add ability to report staff without faculty status in the Fall Staff section so that numbers correspond with EAP
Cleaned it up A statement of purpose has been added to beginning of instructions to communicate intentA statement of purpose has been added to beginning of instructions to communicate intent FAQs have been providedFAQs have been provided A question has been added at the end to determine if there were any employees that were difficult to categorize or that were not reported (and why)A question has been added at the end to determine if there were any employees that were difficult to categorize or that were not reported (and why)
And Finally… Institutions with <15 FT employeesInstitutions with <15 FT employees –Will do short Fall Staff section (collects data by primary occupational activity, by race/ethnicity and gender)
Finance Timing of collectionTiming of collection –Beginning , will be available in both Winter and Spring collections This option already available for EnrollmentThis option already available for Enrollment
Finance Additions Question added to General Information page: If your institution participates in intercollegiate athletics, are the revenues and expenses accounted for as auxiliary enterprises or treated as student services?
Finance Additions
Also (FASB)… Does your institution account for Pell grants as pass through (or agency) transactions or as federal grant revenues to the institution?
Finance Additions
IPEDS Reporting Compliance
Fall Noncompliance Survey InstitutionalCharacteristics7573 Completions
Winter Noncompliance Survey Employees by Assigned Position Fall Staff N/A11N/A Salaries5095
Spring Noncompliance Survey Enrollment688 Student Financial Aid Finance18435 Graduation Rates 10429
Actions 69 noncompliant institutions69 noncompliant institutions –39 institutions fined Total of $433,000 in finesTotal of $433,000 in fines Ranged from $2,000-22,500 per institutionRanged from $2,000-22,500 per institution Ranged from $500-7,500 per missed surveyRanged from $500-7,500 per missed survey –30 institutions warned
Changes to Future Data Collections
Preliminary Early Estimate of Fall Enrollment Level of Student Full Time Part Time Total UndergradRRCV GraduateRRCV First- Professional RRCV Grand Total Estimated Fall 2005 Enrollment CV R = Reported CV = Calculated Value
Fall Enrollment Degree-granting institutions get new columnDegree-granting institutions get new column Divides Other degree/certificate-seeking students into:Divides Other degree/certificate-seeking students into: –Transfers into the institution (first time at institution) –Other degree/certificate- seeking students Full Time and Part TimeFull Time and Part Time
Fall Enrollment – Transfers In Full-time undergraduate students Degree/certificate- seeking Non- degree/ non- certif- seeking Total First- time Trans- fers in OtherTotal R/ERRRCVRCV TotalCVCVCVCVCVCV R = reported value; CV=calculated value
Race/Ethnicity No news on new categoriesNo news on new categories Old categories will be used in reportingOld categories will be used in reporting KEEP WATCH AND BE PREPAREDKEEP WATCH AND BE PREPARED
New Data Access Tools
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