There are many types of the theatre methodology. In this presentation we will try to explain “drama therapy” and “Boal’s Forum and Image Theatre”.
Drama therapy is defined by the National Association for Drama Therapy as "the systematic and intentional use of drama/theater processes, products, and associations to achieve the therapeutic goals of symptom relief, emotional and physical integration and personal growth."
Drama therapy is an active approach that helps the client tell his or her story to solve a problem, achieve a catharsis, extend the depth and breadth of inner experience, understand the meaning of images, and strengthen the ability to observe personal roles while increasing flexibility between roles.
The continuum of Embodiment, Projection and Role play is a guide not only in how we organize sessions, but in how we understand the child’s play and needs. DRAMA THERAPY Embodiment Play Projective Play Role Play
EMBODİMENT PLAY Embodiment play is described as play that explores the world through the senses. Using touch, smell and movement to explore environments, body boundaries and space. This is considered the first developmental phase.
Embodiment Techniques: gross body movement involving the whole body fine body movement with different body parts sensory movement involving textures, sound, taste, smell and sight singing games which name body parts as they are touched rhythmic movement and dance sword play and wrestling creative ideas of moving as monsters, aliens, mice……… stories with sounds and movement
PROJECTİVE PLAY Projective play, involves the world of make believe, symbolic or pretend play. One of the goals of this phase is to make sense of the self in social world, differentiating between what is me and what is other. Projective play is often facilitated with the use of puppets, art work, stories, small world work, masks and play with objects.
Projective Techniques: play with substance: sand, water, finger paint, clay, Plasticine play with pictures: crayons, paints, drawing, collage with varied media play with bricks and counters: patterns, constructions, 'all fall down' play with toys: sandtray stories, sculpts play with scenes: dolls house, puppets (making of puppets too) play with natural media: pebbles, bark, twigs, leaves
ROLE PLAY It is in this stage that the individual begins to explore and develop social skills, expanding social repertories, identities and developing empathy. At this phase play and drama meet. During this last phase of development drama games, role plays, improvisations and dramatic play are all tools that are used to assist the individual in their discoveries.
Role Techniques: use simple roles with single feelings: the angry person, the sad person and maybe draw the faces of the people create animal characters that interact use favourite stories to enact together use the dressing up box to allow a dramatised story to emerge use a mask as a starting point for a story use the idea of writing a tv script together and then enact it use ideas that have been generated through projective play
Competence in EPR is essential for a child's maturation: It forms a basis for the growth of identity and independence It establishes the 'dramatised body' i.e. the body which can create It strengthens and further develops the imagination It contributes to a child's resilience through 'ritual and risk' It enables a child to move from 'everyday reality' to 'dramatic reality' and back again, appropriately It facilitates problem solving and conflict resolution It provides role play and dramatic play which in turn create flexibility It gives a child the experience and skills to be part of the social world.
Augusto BOAL Augusto Boal (16 March May 2009) was born in Brazil and is the most famous for creating the concept of “Theatre of the Oppressed”. Boal sees theatre as a weapon and believes that change is imminent in the audience.
Boal uses seven main forms of theatre Forum Theatre Newspaper Theatre Invisible Theatre Myth Theatre Analytical Theatre Image Theatre Simultaneous Dramaturgy
The Theatre of the Oppressed, especially Forum and Image Theatre seems to be much more appropriate for our target group.
Augusto BOAL’s TECHNİQUES FORUM THEATRE Forum Theatre is an interactive form of theatre that encourages audience interaction and explores different options for dealing with a problem or issue. Forum Theatre is often used by socially excluded and disempowered groups. IMAGE THEATRE Spectators are asked to express views on themes of common interest using the bodies of the other group members to visually sculpt their viewpoint. These images are then discussed among the group.
WORKSHOP’S TOPICS Violence against women Increasing air pollution / increasing environmental pollution Lack of face to face communication due to increased technology Hooliganism Nuclear weapons–war Violence against animals Sexual abuse /exploitation Increased number of child workers People living on the streets / homeless people
TEXT-BASED INSTRUCTION (The Method We Used In Our Institution)
This method consist of 4 steps. Reading the Text Individually.
Reading the Text with Study Group
Performance is not only something that takes place in a theatre; performance can happen any place, any time, with or without drama training. THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION