Telecommunications Service Priority in Texas Presented by: David E. Featherston July 26, 2005
PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS TSP History in Texas SBC’s TSP tariff approved in 1994 in Docket No Verizon’s TSP tariff was also approved in 1994 in Docket No Both were approved pursuant to stipulation between PUC staff, companies, and interveners. Valor, Consolidated, and Sprint also offers TSP.
PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS TSP Tariff Provisions No recurring charge for priority levels 1, 2, and 3. No non-recurring charges for priority levels 1, 2, and 3. Monthly recurring and non-recurring rates apply for priority levels 4 and 5. Individual or entity must apply for priority status with the TSP program office. Individual or entity must then order TSP service.
PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS Why TSP works in Texas It’s free for priority levels 1, 2, and 3. Sprint provides TSP for Relay Texas at no charge. Commission for State Emergency Communications (CSEC) oversees the state’s program through oversight of Regional Planning Commissions (RPC) in Texas and actively encourages participation in TSP. In addition, CSEC orders TSP for PSAP data circuits for the RPCs.
PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS Problems with TSP in Texas TSP is not required by rule or law. Many PSAPs unaware of TSP tariff. Some PSAPs assume it automatically receives priority. Not all PSAPs are under state jurisdiction. There are home rule cities and emergency communication districts.
PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION OF TEXAS Statistics SBC, Verizon, and Sprint serve approximately 4000 TSP circuits in Texas. 350 PSAPs served by Regional Planning Commissions have TSP for their data circuits that were ordered by CSEC. Sprint provides TSP for over 125 Texas Relay circuits. Sprint provides TSP to all PSAPs automatically.
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