TC-10/TC-11 Regulations for ICDAR hosting L.Schomaker/Y.B. Kwon
TC-10/TC-11 Rationale for ICDAR hosting regulations ICDAR is a large and important conference within the IAPR community The success of ICDAR should be safeguarded for the coming decade Organisational knowledge must be transferred to coming generations
TC-10/TC-11 …but the ICDAR, a document- oriented conference series, does not even have written scrolls on its habits, rules and culture…
TC-10/TC-11 Proposed solution I. Definition of requirements with respect to the prospective host II. Definition of requirements with respect to the organisational details of ICDAR III. Reporting procedures & TC-10/11 responsibility
TC-10/TC-11 I. Hosting requirements The host constitutes a research group which is well connected to the location where the conference is held The host is responsible for the local organisation The hosting research group should consist of a minimum number of fixed local staff Organisational continuity is guaranteed by appointment of stand-in officials
TC-10/TC-11 II. Organisational constraints There will be a document describing the typical ICDAR scenario This document is passed on to each next ICDAR host (including spreadsheets etc.) Fixed constraints are defined (time between reception of papers & feedback, time of availability of programme etc.)
TC-10/TC-11 III. Reporting procedures & TC-10/11 responsibility Regular reports will be sent by the organizing committee to both TC chairs In case of urgent problems both TC chairs are contacted, first by , then by telephone, upto fax The TC chairs will then start to help out, in concert or individually
TC-10/TC-11 Comments please!