WILDCATS ARE AUTHORS! )We at Yorktown are writers every day. The Write-a-Book Literary Competition gives us an opportunity to be creative and to share our work with others in the school and in the County. We will do what you already do well--- and have fun doing it!
PRE-WRITING/PLANNING )It is important to plan what you are going to write so it will make sense to the reader. Remember that you are trying to communicate with others. )If you write a story, it should have a clear beginning, middle, and end. )Think about your characters and how each one would act in the story---what they will say, how they will feel, what actions they will take---that makes them different from all the others.
BRAINSTORMING/ FREE WRITING Some people start the writing process by just writing down everything they are thinking without limiting their thoughts or censoring themselves.They might make a list or just keep writing on a page. If they get stuck, they write, “I’m stuck, I’m stuck, I’m stuck” until they are not stuck any more.
WEBBING YOUR IDEAS You can make a web out of your ideas to organize them.
OUTLINING An outline helps to show the main points and their supporting details.
STORY MAP You have used story maps to check your comprehension after you finish reading a story, but you could also use one help you plan your own writing.
SEQUENCE CHAIN A sequence chain can help the story flow easily from its beguiling beginning marvelous middle to its marvelous middle to its exquisite end. Example
Think-Abouts for Any Time You Write )Use complete sentences be very careful not to have run-ons they are very hard to understand without proper punctuation to separate the complete thoughts.
Another Think-About )uses korrect speling, grammar, punctuation? and Capitalization. +Use font size 12 or 14. +You can use your mnemonic devices to help remind you. CUPS
Yet another… )Make your writing more interesting by using lots of description. Your reader should be able to SEE what you are writing about.
…and another! )“Always use quotation marks when you are using the exact words your characters speak to one another,” said the patient teacher repeatedly.
Title Page )All books need a title page in the beginning. )Your title should be at the top in large, bold letters and… your name as the author/illustrator is at the bottom of the page.
Dedication )Some people like to dedicate or write their book in honor of a favorite person. )This person might be a relative or friend whether alive or dead. )The person to whom the book is dedicated is usually a person who influenced you in some way…often one who encouraged you as a writer! )The dedication page is placed after the title page.
ILLUSTRATIONS )Remember that all work must be yours! )Colored pencils work much better than crayons or markers. They do not smear or bleed through. )No clip art or computer-generated art is allowed. )You MAY use a computer drawing program, however, if you want but you MUST put its name on your entry sheet.
Illustration on Page with Text
Illustration Alone
PHOTOGRAPHS and SCANNING )You must take your own photographs. That means you cannot be in them, except for if you want one on your “About the Author” page. )If you scan in photographs or your artwork, the originals must accompany your entry.
OVERALL APPEARANCE )Your cover and binding are worth 10 points. )You will be judged on the neatness and creativity of the illustration (yes, it MUST have an illustration!) as well as on the cover and binding’s overall attractiveness.
Cool Cover!
BINDING )You must follow carefully the directions in the booklet for how to bind your book. )The size of your book cannot be larger than 10” by 12” or smaller than 5” by 8”. )Your book will not be judged at all if its cardboard cover is flexible rather than stiff and sturdy. It is a good idea to start looking for appropriate cardboard and your desired pattern of Contact Paper NOW!
To be announced Yorktown Elementary School Write-A-Book Display Night
May 2013 Eleanor Roosevelt High School Auditorium Prince George’s County Write-A-Book Literary Competition Celebration
See you there, fellow Wildcat Authors!
Book Qualifications
PICTURE STORY BOOK )Must have at least 10 pages. )Must have a picture per page. )Illustrations are worth up to 55 points out of 100. )Story is worth up to 35 points.
ILLUSTRATED FICTION )Must have at least 15 pages. )Maximum of 5 illustrations. )Story is worth up to 60 points out of 100. )Focus on originality, well-defined plot or theme, and development of characters. )Illustrations are worth up to 30 points.
NON-FICTION )Must be at least 15 pages long. )May not be longer than 30 pages. )Illustrations may be photographs or hand- drawn pictures. Remember, all work must be your own! )Text is worth up to 65 points, including 10 points for footnotes/bibliography. )Illustrations can earn up to 25 points.
POETRY )Must be at least 10 pages long. )May be an anthology (collection of many poems) or one long story in poem form (epic) )Maximum of 5 illustrations )Poetry can earn up to 90 points )Illustrations are optional