Ten Core Elements of a Sound YouthBuild Counseling Approach
Program Wide Context That Support Counseling, Healing, & Transformation Program Wide Context That Support Counseling, Healing, & Transformation Program philosophy or core values A thorough youth orientation A contract and infraction system; consistent discipline A “pledge” recited by the group that internalizes values Rituals, recognition, and/or rites of passage Social, cultural, community-building activities Staff training in deep listening skills Youth participation in decision-making Leadership development opportunities Thoroughgoing mutual respect
10 Core Elements Of A Sound Program Counseling Approach 1.Program has clarity on its counseling goals & objectives 2.Trained counselors on staff (ratio of no less than 1/28) 3.Program has clarity on role of the counselor 4.Regular one-on-one counseling sessions are scheduled 5.Regular group counseling sessions are scheduled 6.Life Planning and life skills are systematically taught 7.Internal case management system is in place (teacher, counselor, construction staff) 8.External case management network of referrals is in place 9.Solid, appropriate record keeping system exists 10.Counselor supervision and support is happening
Core Values Example from “Quantum Learning” Everything speaks Everything is on purpose Failure leads to success Strive for balance Live with integrity Live above the line (of responsibility)
Program Wide Context That Support Counseling, Healing, & Transformation Program philosophy or core values A thorough youth orientation A contract and infraction system; consistent discipline A “pledge” recited by the group that internalizes values
Youth Action YB Program Pledge “We, the members of the Youth Action YouthBuild Program, pledge that we are working together: To improve and rebuild our community, To relate to each other in cooperative ways, To develop our potential as leaders, To educate and improve ourselves and help others along the way, To respect our peers, neighbors, and all life, and To be part of a great movement for justice, equality, and peace. All this we do with love and dignity.”
ELEMENTS OF DIVERSITY LEADERSHIP HEALING inner work personal change DEALING external social change Studying & Learning Creating Conditions of Safety Healing Hurts Dismantling Prejudices Combating Internalized Oppression Examining Privilege Making Friends Across Divisions Forgiving & Reconciling Embracing Differences Strengthening Coping Skills Interrupting Oppression Changing Behavior Creating “Oppression Free Zones” Making Diversity an Asset Changing Org’l Culture Assessing Program & Policies Changing Institutions, Laws Building a Movement