1 BEST U Partnership Supporting Entrepreneurs via Collaborative Networks The Wisconsin Business Incubation Association November 4, 2005
2 Acknowledgements BEST U is made possible thanks to our collaborative Partners: Menominee County / Menominee Indian Tribe of WI. Menominee Business Center Stockbridge-Munsee Business Development The City of Shawano and Shawano County Northeast Wisconsin Technical College, (NWTC) UW-Extension of Shawano & Menominee Counties The Small Business Development Center, (SBDC) Shawano County Economic Progress, Inc., (SCEPI) The Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce Shawano Area Business & Economics Education, (SABEE) Cooperative Educational Service Agency #8, (CESA 8) BEST U Resource Partners
3 BEST U – Who We Serve BEST U supports these specific beneficiary segments: Business start-up prospects. Existing businesses needing resources to expand. Low income households. Dislocated workers. Youth. Farm families. BEST U Resource Partners.
4 The Network & the Opportunity BEST U developed and works to expand a Resource Network to counsel clients and help them navigate through a planned, preparation and skills development process: Marketing campaigns & workshops have created awareness and trial/use of BEST U resources among Prospects. Prospects are participating in BEST U workshops and educational classes and utilizing other business development resources. Participants in BEST U are being referred, as appropriate based on need, to other services offered by BEST U Resource Partners.
5 The BEST U Network - Scope The BEST U Network has 6 broad resource categories: Local Economic & Community Development orgs. Local, Regional & State Financial/Technical assistance orgs. Business Education Agencies including schools. Private Sector Partners. Local & Tribal government offices providing technical & business support resources. Workforce & Job Development orgs. The BEST U Network is currently comprised of nearly 100 Partners with approximately 200 points of individual contact.
6 BEST U Objectives Generate awareness and use of BEST U products and services among 250 existing businesses, entrepreneurs and small business start-ups by the end of Year 3. Help 100 businesses develop strategic business plans by the end of Year 3. Support 50 new business start-up and existing business expansions by the end of Year 3.
7 BEST U Activities & Resources We’ve produced many programs that are being used to build awareness and use of BEST U resources: Table stand brochures carriers. Resource Partner Network & Directory. Ongoing press release & radio campaigns. Promotional flyers, (at MBC, Chamber & other outlets). BEST U “Business Builder” newsletter. “Start Your Own Business” workshop, (spring & fall). NxLevel “Business Plan Basics” classes, (spring & fall). Educational scholarship & “Business Plan Competition” programs.
8 BEST U Activities & Resources, (cont.) We’re developing new programs in 2006 that will enable us to improve services to BEST U clients: Trade show booth & related materials. Expand the Resource Partner network & directory. Planning development for an entrepreneurial development lending pool. Promotional & educational “outreach” campaigns. Planning and development of an Incubator facility.
9 Thanks to BEST U and the Network… We’re introducing entrepreneurs to sound research, analysis and business development planning Processes. We’re providing clients with the means to expand existing businesses. We’re helping clients start new businesses. We’re equipping clients with the skills they need to succeed and grow.
10 Outcomes: Workshop & NxLevel Classes Counseling sessions to date:48 individual sessions. * Workshop attendance, (3 events): 101 prospects. NxLevel classes, (2 events):30 prospects. Completed business plans:3 plans; 12 in progress. New start ups to date:1 new business. Business expansions to date:3 expansions. * From 109 total referrals through SCEPI, the Menominee Business Center, (MBC), Shawano Country Chamber of Commerce, the Green Bay Small Business Development Center, (SBDC) and BEST U Resource Partners.
11 Summary BEST U is a regional economic development Partnership. Support job creation & business start ups/expansions. Collaborate & have a greater impact than working alone. Create an environment of Entrepreneurial Support. Create a network of Resource Partners. Outreach campaigns to build awareness of resources. Assist our Partners in their Entrepreneurial support efforts.
12 The BEST U Partnership Supporting Entrepreneurs via Collaborative Networks The Wisconsin Business Incubation Association November 4, 2005