Venioregem videam.ut ut acts as a brick wall: what is on one side can’t go across to the other side I come in order to so that I might to see the king. Purpose clause
Venioregem ne acts as a brick wall: what is on one side can’t go across to the other side I come in order not to so that I do not not to see the king. Purpose clause
Impero eiregem videat.ut ut acts as a brick wall: what is on one side can’t go across to the other side I order her tosee the king. Indirect Command
Impero eiregem ne acts as a brick wall: what is on one side can’t go across to the other side I order her not tosee the king. Indirect Command
Timeoregem videam.ut ut acts as a brick wall: what is on one side can’t go across to the other side I am afraid that I do notsee the king. Verb of fearing ut/ne flip flop
Timeoregem ne acts as a brick wall: what is on one side can’t go across to the other side I am afraid that I dosee the king. Verb of fearing ut/ne flip flop
Result Clause somno excitem.Sol tantus lucet, I wake up. The sun shines so much ut ut acts as a brick wall: what is on one side can’t go across to the other side that,as a result,
Result Clause somno excitem.Tam pluit, I do not wake up. It rains so much ut non ut non acts as a brick wall: what is on one side can’t go across to the other side that,as a result,