Welcome to The University of Texas Elementary School
Objectives Education Council Members will be able to: Describe the history of UTES Identify the connection between DDCE and UTES Describe the organization of the UTES system Identify Hot Topics for Education Council
History of UTES
UTES UTES is housed by the Department of Diversity and Community Engagement History and Mission of DDCE-Video: introduction-to-diversity-and-community- engagement-at-the-university-of-texas-at-austin
UTES Organization University of Texas Systems ↓ The University of Texas at Austin ↓ The Department of Diversity and Community Engagement ↓ UTES
UTES Mission Statement The mission of the University of Texas Elementary School is three-fold: develop students into lifelong learners through rigorous research-based curricula delivered in a nurturing environment that includes parental and community involvement; provide opportunities for professional development and outreach for the University’s academic units; serve as a model of an exemplary program for diverse learners.
Guiding Principles UTES Mission Statement Academic Excellence Social and Emotional Learning Positive Behavior Support and Safety Response to Intervention Healthy Families Initiative Demonstration Program
Management Board Direct oversight of the school is operated by the UT Elementary School Management Board, which includes a school parent, community members, and representatives from the University as well as the school principal and executive director. The Board convenes monthly during the school year to deliberate on initiatives related to the school.
Education Council The Education Council is comprised of parents, teachers, UT faculty, and community representatives. This council determines the campus education plan each year and consistently monitors its implementation.
Student Health Advisory Committee This community is comprised of staff, parents and community partners and meets monthly. The SHAC committee reviews the Eight Components of Coordinated School Health in connection to campus programming, initiatives and policy. At UTES our Healthy Families Initiative Team acts as part of SHAC. Eight Components of Coordinated School Health (as outlined for Center for Disease Control and Prevention): Safety, Counseling Services, Nutrition Services, Health Services, Health Education, Parent Involvement, Physical Education and Health Promotion for the Staff
School Leadership CEO and Superintendent School-wide ProgrammingDevelopment And Fundraising Budget and FinancingContracts and Grants Manages OperationsConstruction and Maintenance Manages Director of ProgrammingCommunity, Business, UT Partnerships Management BoardResidency and Appeals TEA CompliancySchool-wide Communication Oversees Special Education ProgramingNCLB PolicyField Trips/School-wide Events AuditsCampus Crisis Plan Campus SafetyDevelopment Grants Pipeline Counciland many more….
School Leadership Director of Academic Programing CurriculumParent and Staff Communication Instruction and CoachingTeacher Evaluations Manages TeachersProfessional Development Manages Director of Students ServicesStudent Events Intervention/Specialists ManagementPositive Safety Support Systems Assessment and DataInternship and Student Teachers Education CouncilHandbook Policies and Procedures DisciplineInstructional Grants Vertical Teams and Data DaysFaculty Meetings Master Schedule and CalendarParent Forum AttendanceInstructional Resources
School Leadership Director of Student Services Special EducationCounseling Connection to Community ResourcesSEL Programming Student DisciplineManagement of Special Ed. Team Student TestingSocial Work Intern Programming Counseling Intern ProgrammingBehavior Intervention Plans SEL GrantsSHAC Testing MaterialSubstitute Teachers
Hot Topics Student Events Parent Handbook Student Data Campus Assessment Safety Updates to Health Policy Title I Funding Nutrition Services Special Areas Performance Management