Unitarian Universalist Church of Roanoke Long Range Plan, 2006–2011 “Let’s Go Now!” We are a diverse, caring community, nurturing our members in their quest for spiritual growth and living our faith in service to the larger community.
Facilities Investigate cost-effectiveness of maintaining UII, including: Provide estimate of value and cost of needed repairs Determine monthly cost of maintenance Meet with RE and board members to discuss options for Junior High Get feedback from congregation during town meeting (Feb. 25) Call for “go/no go” vote during annual meeting
UII—Can We Talk?
Facilities Conduct analysis of current space usage Develop prioritized needs for current and projected usage Purchase new riding mower Replace carpeting in one classroom Thorough repair of vertical blinds
Facilities Replace carpeting in one classroom Vinyl/aluminum siding and soffits and fascia boards on UUCR Plan for church sanctuary renovation
Facilities 2009–2010 Replace carpeting in one classroom 2010–2011 Replace AC compressor and AC handlers in small sanctuary New boiler for UUCR Thorough repair of roof
Membership Create response process for member suggestions, canvass feedback, and exit interviews with analysis of trends Maintain new member photo book Provide more opportunities for member feedback—town meetings, website polls, etc. Update New UU program
Membership Solidify and monitor process of integrating new members Initiate survey/interviews to monitor New UU program Monthly newsletter articles to feature one new member and one long-term member Increase membership with net gain of 10 members Focus on marketing church to reach a wider audience with demographic research
Membership 2008–2011 (same each year) Increase membership with net gain of 10 members Plan to accommodate increased membership Focus on marketing church to reach a wider audience with demographic research
Finance Conduct cost/benefit analysis of maintaining UII Investigate new revenue sources Develop Finance Committee policy/procedure manual Re-establish Facilities Development Fund for repairs and improvement Perform internal financial review (2 year cycle)
Finance Add to Facilities Development Fund Fund-raising committee—including Canvass—becomes standing committee involved in goal setting/budgeting Budget accrual funds for sabbaticals/internships Pulpit exchange and workshop linked to Canvass campaign Full fair share contributions to TJD and UUA; educate members about associated benefits Investigate grants from UUA for building and development Increase revenue 10%; investigate automatic bank drafts for pledges
Finance 2008–2011 (same each year) Add to Facilities Development Fund Full fair share contributions to TJD and UUA Increase revenue 10% Internal financial review every even year
Professional Staff Provide for minister’s sabbatical Personnel Committee to solidify job descriptions for sexton and administrative assistant
Professional Staff Personnel Committee to solidify job descriptions for other staff positions Work with ministerial committees to assess needs for additional staff help Aid minister in transition from sabbatical back to full-time ministry Assess need for additional staff if membership growth is beyond projections
Professional Staff 2008–2009 Begin steps to hire ministerial intern with accruals to budget if membership exceeds –2010 Expand hours for part-time staff as needed Accrue funds for ministerial intern (or hire) 2010–2011 Hire ministerial intern once funds are accrued
Council Committees & Shared Ministry Review results of COM’s shared ministry evaluation Clarify roles and responsibilities for officers and volunteer leaders
Council Committees & Shared Ministry Update website design Continue enhanced support/recognition for volunteer leaders Resume ARE and small group ministries Educate members in denominational activities and benefits Send members to denominational meetings Support Nominating Committee in year-round recruitment
Council Committees & Shared Ministry Increase community outreach Develop relationships/exchanges with neighbor UU churches Reintroduce covenant groups Increase denominational awareness and involvement by members Send members to denominational meetings
Council Committees & Shared Ministry 2009–2011 (same each year) Develop relationships/exchanges with neighbor UU churches Increase denominational awareness and involvement by members Send members to denominational meetings
Policy, Organization & Governance Organize and maintain church policies book—hard copy and electronic Clarify roles of past-president, president- elect and committees Institute annual town meeting to discuss Board’s long-range planning
Policy, Organization & Governance Audit church policies (3 year cycle) Expand/reorganize policy book; make easily accessible Establish/enhance electronic records Formalize personnel policy manual (5 year cycle) Write descriptions for key volunteer posts Annual review/update of 5-year long-range plan
Policy, Organization & Governance 2008–2009 Annual review/update of long-range plan 2009–2010 Annual review/update of long-range plan Review church bylaws (5 year cycle) 2010–2011 Annual review/update of long-range plan Audit church policies (3 year cycle)