Update Top-Up Funding Indicator Jim Haywood Product Manager for Statutory Returns Version 0.1
DfE Notes on the Top-Up Funding Indicator
DfE has provided the following notes on the Top-Up Funding Indicator 1.A true/false flag is being introduced to indicate those pupils on roll on Census Day for whom a school receives top-up funding from the local authority, or in the case of a PRU the top-up funding could be from a local authority or a school. 2.This data item will be collected termly and applies to all pupils in all phases/types of school within the scope of the School Census. 3.Top-up funding is supplied by local authorities from their high needs budget directly. In the case of PRUs the top-up funding will come from a local authority’s high needs budget directly or through schools. 3
DfE Notes on the Top-Up Funding Indicator DfE has provided the following notes on the Top-Up Funding Indicator 4.In both cases the top-up funding relates to individual pupils and the time they are in the school or PRU, and is to meet the costs of their support which are additional to the support costs expected to be met from the school or PRU budget share. 5.In schools it is expected that most pupils for whom top-up funding is paid will also have a statement of special educational needs (SEN), but this is not an automatic link and it will depend on the local policy on statements of SEN. 6.This data item will be used for funding allocation purposes, and to inform the development of the high needs funding system in the future 4
New Functionality to Allow Schools to Store the Top-Up Funding Indicator for Pupils
A number of filters have been provided to help schools identifier pupils who have received Top-Up Funding, but the filter on SEN Statement is likely to be the most helpful.
In this case there are three pupils with an SEN Statement, but we don’t have to accept all of them.
Click and Shift Click can be used to select contiguous pupils.
Control Click can be used to add pupils to the select or, as in this case, to remove pupils from the selection.
We can click Add to add the selected pupils to the top up funding list. We can do this mulitple times and with different filters in place
Once we are happy with the list, we can click Update to save the list
If we close down at this point we can see how the selection can be viewed and modified at a future point.
Once we have the same filter in place, we see the same information as seen when we saved.
Thank you for your time