David J. Sammons, Dean UF International Center
Southern Association of Colleges and Schools: SACS is our regional accrediting authority. The last SACS review of UF was done in Reaccreditation is critical: an unaccredited institution cannot function as a legitimate institution of higher education.
The SACS review consists of two parts: Compliance Certificate: focuses on core issues central to our mission and demonstrates that we have sufficient resources to operate. Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP): focuses on an area that UF considers essential to its mission and future success. This is new!
The QEP focuses on a key issue of strategic importance to the institution’s mission and future. The QEP sets specific goals based on desired student learning outcomes and defines a mechanism for assessing progress towards the stated learning outcomes. For our SACS review, UF has chosen the theme of “Internationalization” for the QEP.
We live in an era of unparalleled global interconnectedness. We must prepare our graduates for success in this globally interconnected world. “Success” must be defined both at the level of individual skills and at the level of global knowledge, both student learning outcomes.
Process was launched in January 2011 with the formation of an Internationalization Task Force (ITF) at the request of the Provost. ITF has representation nominated by the Deans of units across campus. ITF has met approximately every two weeks and will continue to meet regularly until the QEP is completed by Spring/Summer 2013.
1.Defined “Internationalization” for purposes of the development of student learning outcomes. 2.Reached consensus on the scope of the QEP. 3.Selected thematic elements of the QEP and associated SLOs.
Internationalization definition for the QEP: Internationalization is the conscious integration of intercultural and global competencies into student learning.
For purposes of focus and manageability, the ITF has agreed that the scope of the QEP will be limited to undergraduate SLOs.
The principal thematic elements for the Internationalization QEP are: o Global Citizenship: Students comprehend the trends, challenges, issues, and opportunities that affect the global community and apply this knowledge responsibly and effectively in local and global contexts. o Intercultural Communications: Students interact with members of other cultures with sensitivity and respect.
SLO 1: Demonstrates knowledge of global issues and the interdependency among nations. SLO 2: Applies knowledge, diverse cultural frames of reference, and multiple perspectives to think critically and interpret global issues. SLO 3: Communicates accurately and appropriately with members of other cultures.
Defines desirable and measurable student learning outcomes. Identifies actions to be taken to implement the QEP, including curricular and extracurricular efforts to achieve SLOs. Describes a campus mechanism to lead QEP implementation from its launch in Includes budget to support the QEP. Shows a comprehensive assessment instrument to measure QEP progress.
Building campus wide consensus for the QEP. Producing the written QEP for SACS, including appropriate review of the experiences of others, baseline data to demonstrate need, specific activities to implement our plan, budget to support the plan, and an evaluation protocol to measure progress. Formation of a structure for oversight and leadership of QEP implementation. Measuring progress on QEP implementation and reporting progress to SACS.
Communication and Marketing Team: Goal is widespread engagement of all stakeholders. Literature Review and Research Team: Goal is to assure a sound basis for the QEP. Campus Initiatives Team: Goal is to plan initiatives to implement QEP and budget. Evaluation and Assessment Team: Goal is to measure progress of QEP implementation. Writing Team: Goal is to draft QEP for submission to SACS by Fall 2013.
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