NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS Welcome Back NSBE Meet and Greet – Please Sign In
NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS Agenda Icebreaker 1 National Convention Updates 2 Upcoming Events 3 Dr. Curtis Taylor 4
NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS Icebreaker Name, Year and Major What are you most passionate about? Have you ever or are you currently doing research and/or internship/co-op? Why did you choice your major? What has/is been the worst class you’ve taken at UF? What has/is is the best class you’ve taken at UF? What do you think is the most helpful academic resource at UF?
NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS National Convention D B C A Passport Register Airport and Bus Travel Westin Harbor Castle Hotel Take an active stand in getting to TORONTO
If you have any more questions, you can contact Hussein Abdelhalim at or check out the website: NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS
NSBE ELECTIONS Wednesday, March 24, 2010 Interested in running for a Chapter Executive Board position next year… NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS Do not forget to sign up for Leaders Building Leaders
Leaders Building Leaders As a member of the UFNSBE Executive Board, you will get the opportunity to directly impact policies and events as well as own a piece of one the largest student run organizations in the country Requirements: Attend 2 zone meetings Attend 2 E-board meetings Participate in 1 volunteering event Attend 2 socials Attend 1 Leaders Excelling and Developing (L.E.A.D.) seminar Sound Interesting? Sign-Up for our UFNSBE LBL program. Mentor under an executive board member and see what it’s like to own a piece of your chapter of The National Society of Black Engineers. Please contact Mykel Fisher at or Robert Williams at
Upcoming Concession Dates January 14, :00pm – 9pm January 23, :30 – 9pm January 24, – 5pm Sign up with Charde Carter or her at if you are interested Info Sessions January 19, 2010 Intel 7pm Location: TBA NETBOOK GIVEAWAY!!! NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS
Don’t miss out on Membership Benefits companies at National Convention Scholarships Networking Tons of Discounts Grad School Preparation And Much More… Leadership Development
Deadline January 22, 2010 Apply for NSBE Scholarships $1,000$5,000 National Convention Accomodations $2,000 NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS Must be a paid NSBE member to apply
VOLUNTEERING When: Friday, January 15, 2010 Time: 8PM - 11:30PM Where: Reitz Union Questions, Concerns, Comments? Contact Fatimah:
Not sure what to expect at Career Showcase? Let the Career resource Center help you prepare. Career Showcase Essentials Workshop Thursday, January 14, :30 – 5:00 pm Reitz Room 282 NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS
OFFICIAL UFNSBE NAMETAGS ON SALE Career Fair is almost here! Magnetized name tags which will display the NSBE logo, your name, and your major are available $10 Please send your name, as you would like it to be displayed on the name tag, and your major to by TONIGHT! NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS
Get involved NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS Communication Zone Meeting Tuesday, January 19, 2010 at 6:15pm Programs Zone Meeting Thursday, January 21, 2010 at 6:30pm Membership Zone Meeting Monday, February 1, 2010 at 6:15pm UFNSBE Publications Team Website Update Showcase Facebook Group : The Voice – UF NSBE Communications Zone
Next General Body Meeting Wednesday, January 27, :15pm INROADS Presentation Member of the Month Learn about upcoming Scholarships, Info Sessions and programs designed to benefit YOU NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS
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