UF VIVO is intended to be a comprehensive resource for scholarship, scholarly networking, and information about scholarship at the university. Automation collects authoritative data from existing sources, continuously updated for timeliness, reproducibility and efficiency. Manual editing is kept to a minimum. Faculty effort is kept to a minimum. All information in UF VIVO is public and can reused and repurposed within and beyond UF. UF VIVO uses existing usernames and passwords and supports self-edit of most information. Collaboration with data stewards, stakeholders and faculty is key to building understanding, use and support UF VIVO is extended as necessary to represent the University and it scholarship. Implementation of VIVO at the University of Florida Mike Conlon 1, Chris Barnes 2, Vincent Sposato 3, Nicholas Rejack 1, Erik Schmidt 1, Will Collante 1, Laura Guazzelli 1, Stephen Williams 3 and Narayan Raum 2 1 UF Clinical and Translational Science Institute, University of Florida, 2 Clinical and Translational Science IT, Clinical and Translational Science Institute, University of Florida, 3 Enterprise Software Engineering, UF Academic Health Center IT, University of Florida Implementation Principles Getting Data Into VIVO Using VIVO Data For Additional Information Six locally developed, automated processes collect data from authoritative sources for representation in VIVO: 1) Grant data from the UF Division of Sponsored Research, 2) People, identity management and contact information from the UF Directory, 3) Publications from bibtex via Thomson Reuters Web of Knowledge, 4) Gator1 ID card photos from UF Business Services Division, 5) Courses from the UF Enterprise Data Warehouse, 6) Positions held from the UF Enterprise Data Warehouse. University structure is hand curated. Manual editing provides information on research interests, non-university positions, awards, service to the profession, presentations, and other activities. UF VIVO is maintained by 1 staff FTE and 1 student FTE. VIVO data can be used in a variety of ways: 1) Webmasters can use VIVO WordPress plug-ins to add VIVO business cards to their sites, 2) Open Social gadgets can consume and display VIVO data, 3) Data can be extracted using the UF VIVO SPARQL endpoint – extracted data can be used in business intelligence tools, statistical software and spreadsheets, 4) Developers can access VIVO data directly using URIs and RDF, 5) VIVO built-in tools can be used to summarize and visualize data. 6) When viewing a profile, a CV or NIH biosketch in Rich Text Format can be produced with a single click, 7) QR codes on each profile page can be used with smart phones to transfer contact information to phones. Unlike other university systems, VIVO data is fully accessible as linked open data using semantic web technologies. VIVO data can be used to find scholarly works, follow linkages of people to works, linkages of people to people they work with, works of those people and the organizations and grants that have supported the people in the production of the works. Visit vivo.ufl.edu for additional information regarding VIVO at UF. Visit vivoweb.org for information on the VIVO system, VIVO information representation and VIVO activities. Visit vivo.sourceforge.net for developer information and code repositories. The VIVO Book, VIVO: A Semantic Approach to Scholarly Networking and Discovery is available from Morgan & Claypool, provides an overview of VIVO and includes case studies of additional implementations. Please contact any of the authors of this poster regarding this work. All authors can be found in UF VIVO. 9,456 15,922 74,497 35,877 11,017 39,491/wk 18,602 50,159 UF VIVO UF VIVO In addition to the VIVO built-in features – search, visualizations, cross-linking – UF VIVO produces biosketches, CVs, QR codes, reusable web pages, and on- line business cards. UF VIVO feeds business intelligence tools for reporting, vivoexperts.ctsi.ufl.edu, direct2experts.org, and vivosearch.org Grants. Grants. All awards made to and from UF since Linked to investigator, funding agency and department. Updated weekly People People. All faculty, full-time staff, postdocs. Linked to home department. Contact and affiliation infor- mation updated every 2 hours Publications. Publications. All UF publications back to Linked to authors, journals, publishers. Updated weekly Photos. Photos. Gator1 ID Card photos or manually uploaded photo. Updated daily Courses. Courses. All courses and course sections taught since Linked to instructor, course, term. Updated each term Positions. Positions. All university positions held since Linked to person, department. Updated weekly Organizations. Organizations. All UF orgs, funding agencies, and orgs of former employment. Linked to people, and other orgs. Updated manually and by Grants Manual Edits Manual Edits. All users may sign on using their University credentials via Shibboleth. All edits are logged and available online at vivo.ufl.edu/logs