Cahuilla (kuh-Wee-uh) Bryant
Where They Lived The Cahuilla lived in southern California. Their homelands were located in present- day Riverside and San Diego counties. There were many different landforms in Cahuilla territory. Deserts and forests were also found throughout the area.
Society The Cahuilla lived in villages. Each village had a leader called a net. The net acted as the ceremonial leader, the economic ruler, and the problem solver for the village. He also arranged hunting and trading trips. The net had a helper called a paxaa.
Society The paxaa helped the net a lot. Cahuilla society also had special speakers and singers. Doctors were usually older women.
Food The Cahuilla ate plants and animals found in the environment. They planted foods such as corn, beans, squashes, and melons. The Cahuilla gathered wild plants, fruits, beans, nuts, berries, and seeds. Acorns were a seasonal food that they collected from a oak tree.