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EXPLORATION VOCAB. Prince Henry the Navigator – Portugal – He started the school for navigators Bartolomeu Dias – Portugal – He was the first European to reach the southern tip of Africa; it was named the Cape of Good Hope Vasco da Gama – Portugal – a Portuguese noble, he was the first European to sail around Africa to India, 1497-99 EOC EOC EOC
EOC Spanish Armada – A fleet of Spanish warships under Phillip II set out to attack England but lost to England’s faster ships and bigger guns; After this, England was known as a dominant world power. Treaty of Tordesillas – “Line down the Atlantic” was drawn by the pope; lands to the east were given to Portugal; lands in the “New World” were given to Spain. Queen Elizabeth I – 1533-1603 Daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. Known as Good Queen Bess, she made England a world power during her 45-year reign; she gave the East India Company the right to control trade between India and England. EOC EOC
EOC Christopher Columbus – 1451-1506 Italian-born Spanish explorer. In 1492 he sailed from Spain and thought he had reached Asia. Actually, he had reached islands near the Americas, lands that were unknown to the Europeans. Queen Isabella I – 1451-1504 Spanish queen who, along with King Ferdinand, drove the Moors from Spain. She and King Ferdinand paid for Columbus’ expeditions to the Americas. Conquistadors - Name for the Spanish adventurers who came to the Americas in search of gold. EOC EOC
EOC “New World” – The newly discovered North and South American continents, discovered by Columbus in 1492; these lands were called this because they were previously unknown to Europeans Columbian Exchange - The movement of people, animals, plants, diseases, and ideas between Europe and the Americas in the 1400s and 1500s. Ferdinand Magellan – 1480-1521 Portuguese navigator who sailed through what is now known as the Strait of Magellan. One of his ships completed a circumnavigation of the globe. EOC EOC
EOC Incas – A huge Native American empire whose capital was Cuzco in what is now Peru; they were conquered by Spanish conquistador Pizzaro. Aztecs – Native American peoples who ruled a large empire in Mesoamerica (today, Mexico). They were conquerors whose system created a mighty state, but did not inspire loyalty. Hernando Cortez – Spanish conquistador, he went to Mexico in search of gold and conquered the Aztec Empire. Francisco Pizzaro - 1475-1541 Spanish conquistador, he conquered the Inca Empire. EOC EOC EOC
Europe to the “New World” Columbian Exchange Europe to the “New World” “New World” to Europe Grapes Horses Olives Coffee Sugar (over from Africa) Smallpox Pigs Cattle Bananas (over from Africa) Turkey Tobacco Potatoes Pineapple Beans Paprika Corn Chocolate Tomato Hammocks
Europe to the “New World” Columbian Exchange Europe to the “New World” “New World” to Europe Grapes Horses Olives Coffee Sugar (over from Africa) Smallpox Pigs Cattle Bananas (over from Africa) Turkey Tobacco Potatoes Pineapple Beans Paprika Corn Chocolate Tomato Hammocks
Prince Henry the Navigator – Portugal – He started the school for navigators Bartolomeu Dias – Portugal – He was the first European to reach the southern tip of Africa; it was named the Cape of Good Hope Vasco Da Gama – Portugal – a Portuguese noble, he was the first European to sail around Africa to India, 1497-99 Spanish Armada – A fleet of Spanish warships under Phillip II set out to attack England but lost to England’s faster ships and bigger guns; After this, England was known as a dominant world power. Treaty of Tordesillas – “Line down the Atlantic” was drawn by the pope; lands to the east were given to Portugal; lands in the “New World” were given to Spain. Queen Elizabeth I – 1533-1603 Daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. Known as Good Queen Bess, she made England a world power during her 45-year reign; she gave the East India Company the right to control trade between India and England. Christopher Columbus – 1451-1506 Italian-born Spanish explorer. In 1492 he sailed from Spain and thought he had reached Asia. Actually, he had reached islands near the Americas, lands that were unknown to the Europeans. Queen Isabella I – 1451-1504 Spanish queen who, along with King Ferdinand, drove the Moors from Spain. She and King Ferdinand paid for Columbus’ expeditions to the Americas. Conquistadors - Name for the Spanish adventurers who came to the Americas in search of gold. “New World” – The newly discovered North and South American continents, discovered by Columbus in 1492; these lands were called this because they were previously unknown to Europeans Columbian Exchange - The movement of people, animals, plants, diseases, and ideas between Europe and the Americas in the 1400s and 1500s. Ferdinand Magellan – 1480-1521 Portuguese navigator who sailed through what is now known as the Strait of Magellan. One of his ships completed a circumnavigation of the globe. Incas – A huge Native American empire whose capital was Cuzco in what is now Peru; they were conquered by Spanish conquistador Pizzaro. Aztecs – Native American peoples who ruled a large empire in Mesoamerica (today, Mexico). They were conquerors whose system created a mighty state, but did not inspire loyalty. Hernando Cortez – Spanish conquistador, he went to Mexico in search of gold and conquered the Aztec Empire. Francisco Pizzaro - 1475-1541 Spanish conquistador, he conquered the Inca Empire.