In total, the 2008 IEEE NSS/MIC/RTSD, including the associated satellite workshops at DESY in Hamburg and Research Center Juelich near Cologne, attracted.


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Presentation transcript:

In total, the 2008 IEEE NSS/MIC/RTSD, including the associated satellite workshops at DESY in Hamburg and Research Center Juelich near Cologne, attracted ~3,000 people from about 60 countries worldwide to Germany. Breakdown of these numbers. Out of these ~3,000: ~300 registered companions; ~2,700 participants of the scientific programs. Out of the 2,700 participants of the scientific programs ~2,600 were in Dresden; ~75 were at DESY in Hamburg (NSS topic workshop) ~185 were at Research Center Juelich near Cologne (MIC topic workshop). ~23% of Dresden participants from US; 25% from Germany (host country) ~26% were IEEE members (student and higher grade members) ~14% of the scientific program participant were women in science or engineering. Dresden2008 NSS/MIC – Main Numbers and Results Uwe Bratzler, 2008 IEEE NSS/MIC General Chair – Baltimore AdCom Meeting; 7 March 2009

…we had a record of ~60 industrial companies present at our Industrial Exhibitions and Program. We have hosted the first IEEE Women In Engineering (WIE) event at an NPSS conference, which became a big success (over 130 participants, the room was filled to (or beyond...) capacity). The Chancellor of Germany, Dr. Angela Merkel, was invited (also to the overall conference), could not come, but did respond and has sent her written and best regards to all conference participants, and especially to the IEEE WIE organizers and participants. We have placed over 2,100 accepted scientific presentations (posters + talks) into our Conference Programs/Conference Week; ~70 different program topics, 10 Short- Courses, 10 Workshops, 2 Satellite Workshops in other cities (at two of the most renowned labs in Germany)… We have been receiving numerous and very good feedback by the participants and by all conference partners and parties involved (  also via the CIP Questionnaires;)  Largest and one of the most successful IEEE NSS/MIC ever... Dresden2008 NSS/MIC – Main Numbers and Results (cont.) Uwe Bratzler, 2008 IEEE NSS/MIC General Chair – Baltimore AdCom Meeting; 7 March 2009 Thank you very much to ALL, and all of you, for giving us, and also me, your support and trust for preparing and organizing and running this very major event of our Society!

Dresden2008 NSS/MIC – Main Numbers and Results (cont.) Budget: Books not completely closed yet.  Ron Keyser (Conference Treasurer) Uwe Bratzler, 2008 IEEE NSS/MIC General Chair – Baltimore AdCom Meeting; 7 March 2009 Also of interest to our Society: Reaching out to Eastern European countries, and involving “new” colleagues and institutes working in our research fields there, in the activities for our NSS/MIC, made NPSS (and IEEE) known to many ‘new people’ especially from that region. Resulted in formation of a network of scientists now supporting also future NSS/MIC’s and IEEE and NPSS activities in their region. (“Scientific Program Network” (SPN).) Resulted in formation of new NPSS Chapter in Czech Republic… and probably (much) more… There is much more information; please let me know if you would need additional numbers and information, or perhaps also some photos (there are many hundreds of photos on our website --> “Conference Record” password: dresden). There is also an extensive Summary Report in our most recent (March2009) NPSS Newsletter.

(Pages 10-13) Uwe Bratzler, General Chair: Sources for more information: Dresden2008 NSS/MIC – Main Numbers and Results (cont.) Uwe Bratzler, 2008 IEEE NSS/MIC General Chair – Baltimore AdCom Meeting; 7 March 2009