“ONE UN”: Delivering as One at the Country Level
History of “Joint Office” and “One UN” 2004 TCPR: call for the UN to accelerate efforts to increase coherence and effectiveness of field operations through the establishment of joint offices ECOSOC, June 2005: A target of “at least 20 countries … using variations of joint office model, implemented by end of 2007”
Joint Offices and “One UN” (cont.) 29 countries (+ 4 later in 2006) identified where the establishment of joint offices could be explored November 2006, HLP Report recommends (built on TCPR) testing the “One UN” approach as a way to ensure more coherent UN presence in the field Governments of 8 countries earlier identified as candidates for potential joint offices volunteered to become “One UN” pilots
ONE UN: HLP Vision One Programme One Leader One Budgetary Framework One Office
HLP Vision: “One Programme” Country owned, responsive to the national development framework, strategy and vision, including the internationally agreed development goals Building on the CCA or national analysis, and reflecting the UN’s added value in the specific country context Strategic, focused and results-based, with clear outcomes and priorities, while leaving flexibility to reallocate resources to changes in priorities Drawing on all UN services and expertise, incl. of non- resident agencies, to deliver a multi-sectoral approach to development
HLP Vision: “One Leader” RC with authority to negotiate and shape the One Programme with the government on behalf of the entire UN System (including the authority to allocate resources from pooled and central funding mechanisms) Clear accountability framework for RC and an effective oversight mechanism for the Resident Coordinator system RC accountable to UNCT members and with authority to hold UNCT members accountable for agreed outcomes and to compliance with the strategic plan
HLP Vision: “One Leader”, cont. Strengthened RC capacity with adequate staff support to manage UNCT processes and ensure effective dialogue and communication with partners Competitive selection of RC candidates, drawn from the best talent within and outside the UN system
HLP Vision: “One Office” One integrated results-based management system, with integrated support services Common premises (where appropriate) A common security infrastructure and clear lines of accountability
HLP Vision: “One Budgetary Framework” One Budgetary Framework for One Programme Funding linked to the performance of the UN Country Team preparing and implementing a strategic One Programme Complete transparency, showing clearly the overheads and transaction costs of the UN and all of its funds, programmes and specialized agencies in the country
HLP Vision: Funding “One UN” increasingly to be funded through a consolidated funding mechanism Country-level MDG Strategy Support Funds Increased core funding for agencies that are pursuing reform
Implementation of “One UN”: Mandate Concepts of “One UN” and “Delivering as One” are not new! Based on many years of UNDG discussions and agreements, and TCPR decisions. Evolved “JO” concept and “One UN” have almost identical elements TCPR mandates implementation of JOs NB! Act based on existing decisions of governance bodies, not preempting inter- governmental discussions on HLP Report
Existing Agreements New CCA/UNDAF Guidelines Emphasis on normative Strategic results- Results Matrix Section for “other results’ Focused, strategic results matrix, basis for UN Program Joint Programming Guidelines ‘Pass through’ mechanisms Agency accountabilities/roles One budget/budgetary framework Shared resource mobilization Support fund with pooled funds (Iraq, Sudan, Lebanon etc.)
Existing Agreements, cont. Strengthened RC System Increased role of the RC in shaping UNDAF Results Matrix New RC and UNCT performance appraisal system RC Agency orientation UNDP Country Directors “free up” RCs More than 60 UN Houses Common Services, incl. MOSS
General principles of the One UN piloting Bottom-up country driven process “Not one size fits all” Inclusiveness – not limited to ExCom Space for experimentation Continuous interaction - country, regional, HQs
Emerging Thinking on “Ones” One Programme: (new) UNDAF Results Matrix – a basis for One Programme Clear Agency roles to be defined for each result in a costed Results Matrix of One Programme Need for harmonized programme reporting (SPR?)
Emerging Thinking on “Ones”, cont. One Budget Framework: Costed UNDAF Results Matrix, showing resources – indicative available resource and funding gaps – against results is a basis for the One Budgetary Framework for One Programme Need for common approach to results based budgeting One Budgetary Framework will be used for monitoring and reporting over time
Emerging Thinking on “Ones”, cont. Country Level Fund: Not new, based on JP pass-through funding management option used, e.g. in MDTFs Allocation of pooled One Programme Fund resources to unfunded gaps in One Programme Decision making through a Government/UN Steering Committee RC accountable for allocation and reporting Agencies accountable for use of funds received and report to donors through the RC
Emerging Thinking on “Ones”, cont. One empowered leader and empowered team: RC plays a key role in ‘positioning’ the UN, drawing on UN assets and advocating for all UN organizations All members are leaders in results areas Need for ‘mutual’ accountability RC accountable for: * One programme development * Mobilization and allocation of pooled funds * Reporting on progress by result in One Programme *UN highest ethical standard *UN relations with Head of State
Emerging Thinking on “Ones”, cont. One empowered leader and empowered team: Dual reporting lines for Agencies: * Agency head to RC (UNCT) on leadership of cluster, progress on results; and use of pooled funds * Agency to its RD/HQs RC accountable to UN System: * Inter-agency appointment * Regional Directors Teams’ assessment * Formal Agency/RC accountabilities for limited strategic responsibilities (to be clarified!) * Training of RCs in Agencies’ mandates * Dispute resolution system (to be established) * UNDP Firewall
Emerging Thinking on “Ones”, cont. One Office: Will vary greatly in pilots Based on common services framework Key constraint - different operational procedures, but interim solutions possible May be a need to create interfacing between ERPs
Current Challenges Ensuring the fully inclusive nature of the “One UN” process, without slowing it down Making sure that pilots are free to experiment with different approaches with regional and headquarters feedback Ensuring the inclusive, yet strategic nature of the “one programmes” to be developed Expeditious mobilization of capacities to support the pilots, including further technical guidance Ensure an efficient and prompt decision-making at the HQs and regional level in each of the respective areas and effective interaction