Who Am I ? List at least 5 things describing you. (each could be a separate slide) (you can change this anyway you want – add things / delete things) My name is? I live … My family is… I like … I work …
What Is My Dream? After high school I plan to: (how will you learn, what work will you do, where will you live - anything)
What Is My Nightmare? (What about after high school scares you?)
Present Levels My Health is (medical, hearing, vision, fine & gross motor skills) – (does any of this effect school?) (do you take any medications that the school needs to know about?)( does any of this effect your attendance or any part of school) My attendance at school (do any of the above affect your attendance/work at school) How I get along with peers How I get along with adults My classroom behavior is:
Present Levels Self-Help: Is there anything in your daily life that you need help to do that is different than your peers? (not academics – locker, schedule, lunch, etc) How I learn best at school (visual, auditory, hands on, etc) (both receptive – how you receive information & expressive – how you express information) My academic strengths: (not just skills – can be skills)(work completion, organization, work ethic, etc)(what do you have / do that helps you most to be successful in school) In my classes I feel like I can complete work (similar) to the other students. What do you need in school that would be “different” than most other students? Reading Written Language Math
School Previous schools Favorite subjects Subjects I do my best work in Subjects that are my hardest How I learn best Do you currently have any counselors / case management in or out of school?
Classes I plan to take next year: Classes I have taken / will take: (feel free to make each a slide or whatever) 9 th 10 th 11 th 12th
Extra Curricular School activities I am involved in: Other activities I am involved in: Volunteer work I have participated in:
Community Do you feel comfortable functioning in your community? (do you know where things are, how to get around, how to access “services” – grocery, police, dr, etc) Will you be able to live on your own after high school? What will you need help with?
Adult Living Skills (driver’s license, banking, voting, draft, insurance) Adult living skills (driver’s license, banking, voting, draft, insurance) I have I need (driver’s license, banking, voting, draft, insurance)
My Career Goal Jobs I have had Job I currently have Job I would like after all school is completed: What kind of school / training do I need to do this job? Will you be able to get (obtain) / keep (maintain) a job on your own?
After high school: Some things I need to do to get ready for after high school: My Resources: Who do I need / can help me get to my goal? (be specific – give names, contacts, etc)
Resources Who do I need / can help me get to my goal? (be specific – give names, contacts, etc)
Repeat your “Dream” slide
What else can school do for you to help you meet your goals?