What Is Intelligence? Define Intelligence
What skills or characteristics do “smart people” possess? wVwVerbal?? wPwProblem Solving? wPwPractical??
Defined: w Intelligence is an ability to master information that a culture deems important. w How has intelligence changed over time?
IQ Tests w Stanford - Binet: w MA/CA X 100 =IQ w The Wechsler IQ Test w Performance = w Verbal=
IQ Ranges
Problems With IQ Tests wCwCultural Bias= wAwAsian American score pts higher than Caucasian Americans, followed by African Americans, and then Hispanic Americans wGwGender Bias= wTwTraditional education favors males? wDwDo IQ Scores predict “life success ?”
Howard Gardeners Theory: w Multiple Intelligences: w Linguistic w Logic-mathematical w Spatial w Musical w Bodily-Kinesthetic w Personal