OPERATION BLUE SINGA PA / Media / IO Functional Sub-group
Group member Introductions Situation Overview Joint Staff Guidance IO Planning Considerations IO Fundamentals IO Capabilities PA slides Wrap-up Overview
Name Country Current Military Position Military Background / Past Planning Experience Group Member Introductions
Ongoing Peacekeeping situation escalates to a level that exceeds UNMOG mission and capabilities and causes the collapse of the military observer mission Chief of Military Observers (CMO) recommends deployment of a UN sanctioned Multinational Force (MNF) to contain the situation. Samagaland and S. Tindoro leaders open dialogue to consider CMO’s recommendation and other actions to resolve crisis and agree on Singapore to lead the MNF. UNSC Resolution 147 sanctions deployment of MNF led by Singapore Situation Overview
Separation of Factions Facilitate HA operations Repatriate Displaced Personnel (DP) Restore stable conditions Transition to HN civil/military authorities Emergency repairs to critical infrastructure Support NGOs in HA operations Joint Staff Warning Order Guidance
PEACE OPERATIONS PLANNING (INFORMATION OPERATIONS) Differs from from IO in war: Execution extends down to individual soldier Commander has less control over info Allies and partners have different agendas Info superiority is transitory Military is a late comer Commander’s primary weapon Can influence the center of gravity “Actions taken to affect adversaries’ information and information systems while defending ones own.”
PEACE OPERATIONS PLANNING (INFORMATION OPERATIONS FUNDAMENTALS) IPB must support Info Ops Commander takes the lead Gain and maintain situational awareness Establish and sustain team approach Anticipate and respond with speed, accuracy and truth Involve every individual Maintain transparency Plan for protracted engagement Gain and maintain access to IE Conduct continuous ops
IO Capabilities Operations Security (OPSEC) Information Assurance (IA) Computer Network Ops (CNO) Psychological Ops (PSYOP) Electronic Warfare (EW) Deception Public Affairs (PA) Civil Affairs (CA)
Public Affairs
To outline the role of Public Affairs in Operation Blue Singa and to describe the methods proposed to gain and keep public support for the MNF mission To outline the role of Public Affairs in Operation Blue Singa and to describe the methods proposed to gain and keep public support for the MNF mission PurposePurpose
Local Public support for UNMOG has eroded.Local Public support for UNMOG has eroded. UNMOG is considered a failure locally.UNMOG is considered a failure locally. Mission area Govts and publics are hopeful of MNF missionMission area Govts and publics are hopeful of MNF mission –Some factions oppose Peacekeepers International support for MNF is tenuous.International support for MNF is tenuous. –Some nations contributing to MNF have fragile domestic support for the mission, fear of being embroiled in a long conflict. Mission area has multiple languages.Mission area has multiple languages. Few media outlets available.Few media outlets available. Mission area population is 76%(?) illiterate.Mission area population is 76%(?) illiterate. Situation Overview
Center of Gravity Public PerceptionPublic Perception Media Center of GravityMedia Center of Gravity Public SupportPublic Support
Factions support MNF mission and presenceFactions support MNF mission and presence Humanitarian Assistance operates freelyHumanitarian Assistance operates freely Displaced Persons are confident to returnDisplaced Persons are confident to return Host Nation authorities desire to resume peaceful governanceHost Nation authorities desire to resume peaceful governance NGOs speak positively of HA operationsNGOs speak positively of HA operations MNF publics and UN are satisfied with missionMNF publics and UN are satisfied with mission End-StateEnd-State
Philosophy Maximun disclosure, minimum delayMaximun disclosure, minimum delay Accurate, truthful informationAccurate, truthful information Complements Mission and IOComplements Mission and IO Maximum access when possibleMaximum access when possible Multi-national effort, multi-natioanl publicMulti-national effort, multi-natioanl public Partnership with Coalition PAPartnership with Coalition PA Host-nation sensitiveHost-nation sensitive
MODES Internal:Internal: –UN Headquarters and field units –MNF forces –MNF Govt Agencies –NGOs –MNF families External: –Local and MNF domestic publics –Local and MNF domestic governments –Local and international news media
LANGUAGE Language of the missionLanguage of the mission –French –English MNF languagesMNF languages Local languages:Local languages: –Saba –Solo
PA Support Service TranslatorsTranslators TranscriptsTranscripts ArchivesArchives –documents –video –audio Driver/GuidesDriver/Guides Media BusMedia Bus Skilled local staffSkilled local staff
Preliminary Parameters Determine principal means of communication: radio, TV, print, Internet.Determine principal means of communication: radio, TV, print, Internet. Availability of radio and TV receiversAvailability of radio and TV receivers Information support structures and production resources (studios)Information support structures and production resources (studios) Availability of specialized personnelAvailability of specialized personnel Key target audiencesKey target audiences Media habits, population preferencesMedia habits, population preferences Leverage community organizationsLeverage community organizations
Information Approval Chain
PA Organization
Goals Provide professional serviceProvide professional service Access to Peacekeepers/CommandersAccess to Peacekeepers/Commanders Speak with one voiceSpeak with one voice Counter false informationCounter false information Pro-active planningPro-active planning Involve local personnelInvolve local personnel Use local mediaUse local media –Established, popular programming
PEACE OPERATIONS PLANNING (INFORMATION OPERATIONS - PUBLIC AFFAIRS) Create an Environment That Encourages Balanced Coverage Pre-plan Response to Inaccurate Analysis and Disinformation PUBLICAFFAIRS PUBLICPERCEPTIONS Respond to Media Queries Open and IndependentReporting