Duties of ASP/IP
Welcome to the Mid career two weeks training program for ASP/IPs
NECESSARY QUALITIES FOR ASP/IP Thorough knowledge of work Appropriate education and training Temperamental suitability Organising ability Enthusiasm Sincerity Tactfulness Self Control Leadership
OTHER FACTORS FOR A SUCCESSFUL CAREER Attitude towards new learning Total commitment to bring the desired change Desire to succeed Assistance from others
SOME PITFALLS TO GUARD AGAINST Poor personal relations with employees or with boss Individual shortcomings such as lack of initiative, emotional instability Lack of understanding of administration’s point of view Unwillingness to devote time and effort to improve Lack of skill in planning and organising work Inability to adjust to new and changing conditions.
DUTIES e.g. Duties (POSTCARD) Planning Organizing Staffing Training Relocation, extension of services, new POs, redeployment, revenue generation, marketing etc….. Organizing Business meets, PLI/RPLI camps, Post forum, Dak adalat etc… Staffing Est-2, MDW, Transfer, postings, Grant of leave, arrangements etc…. Training Training to PA/SA , Postmen, MTS, GDS etc……. Controlling Control over SPMs, Mail overseer, BPMs & other staff etc….. Accounting Stock book, returns of Sub offices, SO/BO account, Account MIS, SPM monthly reports etc….. Reporting Target achievements, Calendar of returns, irregularities, TA bill, diary, MO verification etc….. Directing Directions to Mail overseer, SPMs, BPMs etc….
DUTIES AS PER RTI DOCUMENT OF POSTS He/she is a Junior Manager of the Department responsible for operation, planning and development at field level He/she is the appointing authority for MTS and GDS officials in Branch Post Offices and Time Scale Sub Offices in the sub division He/she is also the disciplinary and leave sanctioning authority for Postmen working in the Sub Division He/she carries out Inspection of Sub and Branch POs in the Sub Division He/she Assists the Divisional Head in the Inspection of the head offices He/she carries out verification of balances of all SB/RD/TD Accounts in the Post Office in the case of SB Frauds committed by the officials
He/she carries out verification of payment of money orders paid by the postmen every month on random basis and special verification in case of fraud He/she carries out verification of genuineness of high value withdrawals for and above on cent per cent basis in single handed sub post offices and Branch Post Offices Data collection for postal planning and opening of new Post Offices Verify correctness of statistics collected by post offices for sanction of additional staff owing to increase in work load Carries out investigation of fraud and public complaints General purpose duty like painting of letter boxes in the sub division, arranging hired accommodation for post offices, maintenance of mail lines etc At sub Divisional level He/she maintains liaison with State Government authorities, and important public persons and customers.
Trainer to use any one of the Ice Breaking activities to TRIGGER the session. Unit 1.1
Traditional duties of ASP/IP Sub Division Rule 260 to 302 Vol. VIII
He/she should acquire a thorough knowledge of his jurisdiction. He/she should be acquainted with the character of the SPMs, BPMs, Postmen and other GDS under his immediate control. He/she should be thoroughly acquainted with all departmental rules and forms. He/she should keep a rough memorandum book and maintain it as prescribed. He/she should prepare a sketch map of the sub-division.
He/she should pay surprise visits to post offices in course of tours. He/she should fix the hour for business for BOs and maintain consolidated statement of hours of business of all BOs in his jurisdiction. He/she should supervise the work of the GDS Mail Deliverers/village Postmen by contacting headman of the villages while passing through a village in the course of a journey. He should verify some Money Orders paid by them & also examine the bag of village Postman/GDS MD to see whether they carry postage stamps, forms etc. He/she should prescribe and prepare route lists and beat maps indicating the beats of the Village Postman/GDS Mail Deliverer.
He/she should prepare and supply village sorting list to each office in the sub-division. He/she should maintain a correct and up to date record of all letter boxes within his jurisdiction. He/she should cause painting of letter boxes in the sub division. He/she should replace the lock of letter boxes by a new one when it is found broken or out of order. He/she should maintain a stock book for his office.
He/she should scrutinize the weekly diaries received from Overseers and take prompt action if required. He/she should scrutinize the acquittance rolls for road establishments and ensure that the overseer has done payment promptly and correctly. He/she should examine the SPM’s monthly reports. He/she should ensure that adequate arrangement has been done for safe custody of cash in BOs. He/she should see that the departmental buildings and departmental stage huts are periodically repaired.
He/she should forward the complaints, if any, received from the public, to the Supdt. without delay. He/she should maintain a register of lines and stages of his sub-division. He/she should submit all the statements and fortnightly diaries to the Division Office. He/she should frequently issue test letters to review the efficiency of the BPMs and Mail Deliverers. He/she should dispose of old records of his office.
He/she should maintain the order book of his office. He/she should carry annual inspection of sub offices and branch offices as per programme and submit inspection reports. He/she should ensure that order book is maintained at all Post Offices and action on remarks recorded at the last inspection was promptly taken. He/she should carry out periodical inspection of mail lines to improve the service. He/she should prepare a list of bad working BOs of his sub-division and send a copy of it to the Divisional Supdt.
PLI/RPLI, BD & Technology Business Development Monitoring of revenue generation under premium products Marketing/advertisement of premium products Periodical meetings with staff & Customers. PLI/RPLI Procurement of PLI/RPLI Business. Scrutiny PLI/RPLI proposals. Settlement of claims.
Changing Responsibility- LIAISON Liaison with Stake Holders of India Post Authority of Railways Authority of Airlines Authority of Road Transport Authority of Civil administration Police Authorities Head of Educational Institution Head of Gram Panchayat / Block
Changing Responsibility- Technology Monitoring of Induction & pace of induction of Technology Monitoring of computerized work of POs Monitoring of maintenance & repairs of equipments used in computerized Pos
Changing Responsibility- PROJECT ARROW Mentoring Monitoring of services/products & track n trace Capacity building Quality management Post forum Material management Human resource management Technology management Top class office service level & Queue management
FORMATION OF GROUPS Trainer to form teams of 5 each, Each team to select their leader and Team leader to assign a suitable title Unit 1.1
Duties of the ASPs attached to the DO
The ASP remains at the HQ when the Superintendent is on tour; looks to the entire supervision of the office and controls all the staff. He/She disposes off all routine cases not requiring the sanction or orders of the Superintendent. He/She signs routine drafts and fair copies. He/She may sign important papers relating to leave and transfers except orders of punishment or appointment. When the Superintendent is not at HQ and cannot reach the place of occurrence quickly, the ASP will himself proceed to the spot for enquiries on the receipt of a report of loss, fraud, highway robbery, etc., till the Supdt. arrives.
Changing Responsibility Monitoring of:- MNOP MG Narega UIDAI CPI Social security pensions NPS CBS Account MIS WBCGHS PLI/RPLI targets BD targets Technology implementation etc….
EXERCISE NO.- 1.1A Fifteen minutes to be given to the class by the trainer to think over & list the role of ASP/IP – YESTERDAY -PAST TODAY -PRESENT TOMORROW -FUTURE One group of 4-5 trainees to present before the faculty & other trainees . All to note the gist in their note books.
Duties which are delegated to the ASPs
Opening and distribution of dak except the dak from the Head of the Circle/Region. Issue of reminders, the weekly check of the work of the Office Assistants and disposal of personal cases of staff except those where policy of the department is involved. To pass TA bills of postal Assistants, Postmen and lower grade staff on the basis of the orders of the Competent Authority. Scrutiny of time Statements. Grant of Casual leave to the staff when the Superintendent is on tour.
Preparation of pension cases and disposal of fraud and loss cases till they are finally submitted to the Superintendent. Carrying out the inspections of Time Scale Post Offices and also the inspection of the quota of BOs fixed by the Supdt. To assist the Supdt. in disposing the routine cases such as routine complaints, minor irregularities, submission of returns to Circle Office/Regional Office, recall of articles posted, disposal of spoiled receipts, stock indents, correspondence relating to PLI/RPLI and security bonds, planting of letter boxes, mail arrangements, revision of the memo of authorized balances, review of SPM’s monthly reports, check all the copies of order book remarks of inspector of Post Offices. Scrutiny of Overseers, OSA Bills and preparation of the memo of distribution of works of POs.
ENTRY LEVEL TEST Trainer to conduct the entry level test given in the module to find out the training gap & assess the trainees so that they may be facilitated the desired learning of the STP accordingly Unit 1.1