Vorstand First draft IG Metall 2009 „sich ändern um erfolgreich zu sein“
Vorstand 2 VB 02 – Projekt IG Metall 2009 What is the Projekt IG Metall 2009? Background: Resolution „E 6“ of the 21st trade union congress „efficient deployment of staff and financial resources (of the IG Metall) in order to respond to changing conditions / demands“ „a key task of the board is to review the organisational structure of the IG Metall and in consequence to reject redundant issues and to develop new fields of action “ „The board makes thus future-orientated suggestions for the organisational structure and will work out the fields of action for the IG Metall until april 2010“
Vorstand 3 VB 02 – Projekt IG Metall 2009 How topics emerge
Vorstand 4 VB 02 – Projekt IG Metall 2009 structure of the project Participation in clearly defined processes The responsibility of the process should remain within the organisation, external consultants should only assist with reference to content Lean structure of the project The Process must enable the integration of relevant issues and sound ideas comming from all the organisation´s levels There have to be given proper reasons for change proposals, in consequence the process of the project begins with objective examinations („Analysephase“) Acceptance for the project and the actors in charge of it must be forwarded
Vorstand 5 VB 02 – Projekt IG Metall 2009 Interviews and surveys before the project-launch Executive directors and und district managers in a single interview situation Honorary executive directors (questionary) Every 1st + 2nd representatives at the regional level and cashiers (questionary) Advisory council (questionary) Honorary functionaries denominated by the district managers (questionary) Members of committees (questionary) In the ongoing process of the project the staff of the IG Metall will be surveyed
Vorstand 6 VB 02 – Projekt IG Metall 2009 Angaben in Prozent Bevollmächtigte Beiräte Vorstände Results of the survey: actual issues Development of members collective bargaining Human Ressources of the IG Metall employers leaving associations structure of local offices Companies with problems loan employment Breaking in new companies Finnaces of the local offices „ERA“ Sonstiges Nichts / k.A
Vorstand 7 VB 02 – Projekt IG Metall 2009 Project organisation
Vorstand 8 VB 02 – Projekt IG Metall 2009 Methods of the project methods best practise Review of the workflow Review of fields of action Testing measures Benchmarking with other organisations Surveys with the target groups
Vorstand 9 VB 02 – Projekt IG Metall 2009 Objectives retained and extended its strengths and the IG Metall can respond to the members´ demands faster and more flexible developed a member- and stakeholderorientaded structure an efficient organization with motivated staff a precise sense of their members´ interests and their members´ working environments clear responsibilties for every part of the organization for full-time an for voluntarily union officials Has concepts and ressources to gain new members an to improve the loyalty of the old members After the project the IG Metall has:
Vorstand 10 VB 02 – Projekt IG Metall 2009 Three strategic fields More Power More efficiency strike new path
Vorstand 11 VB 02 – Projekt IG Metall 2009 More power New concepts for member-recruting must be developed On the regional level the conflict between the daily requirements and strategic tasks must be overcome This can only be reached in developing the strategic concepts in cooperation with the regional level New approaches to member-recruting are tested in pilot- regions and pilot-companies Within the testing adjustment of the measures must be possible
Vorstand 12 VB 02 – Projekt IG Metall 2009 Efficient ressource implementation We need a profound analysis of the organisational structures The aim is to reach and maintain an „operational excellence“ Estimation of the achieved is essential The profound analysis concerns the whole organisation. The main focus is on : the administration of the executive board concerning all units The educational institutions The division of responsibilities between the regional level, the disticts and the executive board
Vorstand 13 VB 02 – Projekt IG Metall 2009 Strike out in a new direction The overal performance of the IG Metall is good. Nevertheles the organisation can learn from other organisations. Whereever necessary the IG Metall will measure up to others within a benchmarking process Concerning the approachment and participation of members new concepts must be developed The communication with the memberms and non-members must be supplemented with new communicational methods New fields of action must be discovered and examined
Vorstand 14 VB 02 – Projekt IG Metall 2009 How project-issues emerge: Some are clear. Others develop during the process ! Organisations in change contain more unkown processes Therefore at the beginning of an organisational change a lot of clarification has to be done Precise issues cannot be foreseen, they rather emerge during the change process
Vorstand 15 VB 02 – Projekt IG Metall 2009 Zeitplan Eckdaten Beginning of the projekt Final propositions for the statue Trade union congress
Vorstand 16 VB 02 – Projekt IG Metall 2009 Zeitplan bis April 2010 Analysis of all workflow- processes on all levels. Find regional offices for the analysis Determine objectives, define change requirements, define working packages, select external consultants evaluation of the analysis, testing in regional offices Evaluation of the testings and proposals for generalization Generalization-phase (implementation)
Vorstand 17 VB 02 – Projekt IG Metall 2009 Vielen Dank für die Aufmerksamkeit !