African Entrepreneurial Development Initiatives (AEDI)
Workshop on Investment Planning and Decision Making Date: 12 th April 2008 Time: 5:30 pm Venue: conference hall, Aubit Hotel, Nyanya, Abuja By: Onyemalu Chinenye
Introduction Invest: To spend time, energy, effort, money and etc in order to make better or more successful something that you think is good and useful. Plan: A detailed map/diagram/direction of things to do in order to achieve something e.g. savings/investment plan Decision: A choice that you make after thinking and talking about what is the best to do or A judgement after proper evaluation
Types of investments Short-term Investment: Long-term Investment The difference in the two above is time.
Investment planning Set achievable investment goals Establish the investments objectives Initiate and develop a strategic plan: you have to develop at least 3 optional plans, be creative and state problems that the investment will likely solve both in short-run and long-run Develop a plan of action for all options Evaluate your plan through SWOT analysis
Factors that affect investment decisions Investment Cost inherent Risk on investment Returns/profit on investment (qualitative and quantitative returns) Time (breakeven period, maturity period this depend on the type of investment) Source of invested fund (if loan is the source, consider financial risk i.e. interest rate, repayment method and period)
Investment flow chart Invest at least 20% Income (daily/weekly/monthly) NoYes. Consume all your income.Have nothing for the future. Depend on people Save with banks Less risk Less returns Save with portfolio Managers Higher risks Higher returns e.g. shares
Now that you have available savings you enter stage 2 Things to do 1Improve the first sources of saving for higher return or Develop a new investment/business plan 2List all requirements needed to in 1 above e.g. infrastructural requirement etc 3If you want to move to the news plan, aconsider the best possible change over procedure to adopt i.e. parallel or direct.
Things to do BEvaluate new options with initial investment options by identify, analysis and evaluate the possible constrains, identify and determine possible controls/solutions to constrain. CASE STUDY