Main Ideas This year’s theme for science week is our environment. Your teachers have planned a range of exciting activities that will happen during school.


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Presentation transcript:

Main Ideas

This year’s theme for science week is our environment. Your teachers have planned a range of exciting activities that will happen during school time, however, there are also some challenges you can complete at home...

Home Challenges The Nature Table: Each teacher is setting up a nature table. We would like you to explore our local area to find items for your class’ table. You could visit place such as parks, woodland areas or you may just go into your garden. Your challenge is to collect things you think are beautiful or interesting and bring them into school for the nature table. Remember picking living things e.g. pulling branches from trees or picking living flowers is harmful to the environment. Which class will have the most interesting nature table ?

Home Challenges Leaf Bingo: Each class has a leaf sorting bingo sheet. Your class challenge is to fill your leaf sheet. When out and about in your local area, try and collect leaves. Bring them into school and see if they are on our bingo sheet. If they are, ask your teacher if you can glue them on. The first class to return a full bingo sheet to Mr Imbush will be the winners.

Home Challenges Leaf Bingo:

Home Challenges Leaf Bingo:

Home Challenges Recycling home project: Your challenge is to turn your rubbish into some attractive or useful. This may seem like a difficult task, however, you will be amazed as to what you can do... Tin can robots Bottle top people Magazine coasters

Home Challenges Recycling home project: Plastic Bottle Elephant Bottle piggybank Milk cartoon feeders

Home Challenges Here are some examples of this happening outside of school: This is work by an artist called Ptolemy. He makes all of his creations from scrap metal such as broken shopping trolleys and hubcaps. Some of his work is on display at Davey Down.

Home Challenges Recycling home project: You can use anything that is safe to use that you would normally throw away. This may include plastic bottles, card board boxes, newspapers, bottle lids and magazines. If your parents allow you to use cans and glass please be very careful. The aim of this challenge is to use our rubbish to make something new. You may use glue or tape to stick your model together and paint or pens to colour it. Everything else must be things you would normally throw away.