Welcome to Carroll Class! [Welcome back for some of you!] Parent Curriculum Meeting Autumn 2013
Agenda Routines Subjects Important info [Homework, Spellings, etc.] Your questions
Routines Monday Mental Maths Test Spelling Groups Tuesday Homework in please! Mrs Whitlock teaching in the morning. Wednesday Swimming PE Thursday Spelling Groups Friday Spelling Groups PE
Groups Groups for Literacy, Numeracy, Science and Guided Reading to ensure progress. There is also a ‘Home Table’ chosen by the children Their names are on velcro and so the children know that they may move groups! Table prisms to remind children where they need to be!
Topics The Tudors ? The Greeks
Bike-ability Monday 16 th September Monday 23 rd September Monday 14 th October Monday 21 st October
Literacy Instruction texts Historical fiction Reading books in everyday please!
Numeracy Mental and written methods of +, –, x and ÷ Problem solving Shape, space and measure Data handling Mental maths tests on a Monday!
Science Reversible and irreversible changes Forces in action How we see things
ICT eSafety Key skills integrated throughout the curriculum. New skills: control and programming.
PE Dance Tudor Choreography Swimming 6 th November to 11 th December
Music Rhythm Playing tuned instruments
Art and DT Portraits in the style of Hans Holbein Making Tudor houses
PSHE SEAL – Social and Emotional Aspects of Learning. Thinking skills and learning styles
RE Reflecting upon beliefs and actions in the Christian and Islamic world.
Behaviour High expectations! Class contract House points All positive, but obviously there are sanctions!
Homework Literacy or Numeracy work Projects As well as… Rehearsing mental maths skills Rehearsing times tables [2, 5, 10, 3, 4, 6, 8, 7, 9] Spellings Reading Set on Friday and handed in the following Tuesday
School Council Elections –NEXT TUESDAY! If your child wants to stand for election, then they need to produce: A poster A short speech – Mini hustings!
Your questions… You can ask these in private if you’d rather!