A Specialized Campus of the California State University 1 The San Francisco Bay Region Ports Coalition Investment Justification Workshop US DHS Port Security Grant Funds – Round 7 Supplemental & Round 08 February 9, 2009 Ft Mason Center, San Francisco, CA
A Specialized Campus of the California State University 2 Who Are We? The SF Bay Region Ports Coalition USCG Nor Cal Area Maritime Security CommitteeUSCG Nor Cal Area Maritime Security Committee Marine Exchange of the San Francisco Bay Area –SFMX (Fiduciary Agent on Behalf of the AMSC)Marine Exchange of the San Francisco Bay Area –SFMX (Fiduciary Agent on Behalf of the AMSC) Regional Major Commercial Ports (Tier/Group I)Regional Major Commercial Ports (Tier/Group I) –San Francisco, Oakland, Richmond, Stockton MTSA 2002 Regulated Facilities – SF Bay and RiversMTSA 2002 Regulated Facilities – SF Bay and Rivers “Gasoline Alley” - Petro-Chemical Refineries“Gasoline Alley” - Petro-Chemical Refineries
A Specialized Campus of the California State University 3 Why Are We Here? To Discuss the Investment Justification Process LINKED to NATIONAL PREPARDNESS GOALS; PSGP GUIDANCELINKED to NATIONAL PREPARDNESS GOALS; PSGP GUIDANCE LINKED to the Area Strategic Risk Mitigation / Trade Resumption PlansLINKED to the Area Strategic Risk Mitigation / Trade Resumption Plans –Established KEY REGIONAL Risk Mitigation Strategies and Proposed Initiatives to be USED for IJ SUBMITTALS
A Specialized Campus of the California State University 4 The Maritime Domain What REALITIES WERE CONSIDERED? REGIONAL IMPACTS: The MTS as a DEPENDENT SYSTEM Marine - Rail - Highway
A Specialized Campus of the California State University 5 IJ Focus Areas FOUR FOCUS AREAS - PSGP Grant Guidance:FOUR FOCUS AREAS - PSGP Grant Guidance: –PSGP 1 - Maritime Domain Awareness –PSGP 2 - Access Control/Credentialing – both hardware, software and other such equipment or materials as that tied to the Transportation Worker Identification Credential (TWIC) Implementation Process –PSGP 3 - Prevention/protection, detection, response and/or recovery capabilities for Improvised Explosive Device (IED) attacks involving small craft, underwater swimmers, passenger and/or vehicle ferries; and other non-conventional attacks, –PSGP 4 - Disaster preparedness & response training, including exercise support.
A Specialized Campus of the California State University 6 IJ Focus Areas SIX National Preparedness Priorities:SIX National Preparedness Priorities: NPP 1 - Expanding Regional Collaboration;NPP 1 - Expanding Regional Collaboration; NPP 2 - Implementing the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the National Response Framework (NRF);NPP 2 - Implementing the National Incident Management System (NIMS) and the National Response Framework (NRF); NPP 3 - Implementing the National Infrastructure Protection Plan;NPP 3 - Implementing the National Infrastructure Protection Plan; NPP 4 - Strengthening Information Sharing and CollaborationNPP 4 - Strengthening Information Sharing and CollaborationCapabilities NPP 5 - Enhancing Interoperable Communications Capabilities;NPP 5 - Enhancing Interoperable Communications Capabilities; NPP 6 - Strengthening Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) Detection and Response Capabilities.NPP 6 - Strengthening Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosive (CBRNE) Detection and Response Capabilities.
A Specialized Campus of the California State University 7 IJ Focus Areas SIX (6) Key Risk Mitigation/Trade Resumption Strategies (RMTRS) – SRM/TR Plan SEVENTEEN (17) Prioritized Mitigation Initiatives (PMI) (REF: Table 6-4 in SRM/TR Plan) (NOTE: SSI CONTROL, CUSTODY, and MANGEMENT PROCEDURES MAY APPLY)
A Specialized Campus of the California State University 8 IJ Instructions and Guidance SF Region PSGP 07 Supplemental/ PSGP 08 INVESTMENT JUSTIFICATION SCREENING PROCESS & SELECTION GUIDANCE (REFERENCE HAND-OUT)
A Specialized Campus of the California State University 9 IJ Instructions and Guidance IJ “ONE PAGE” (TWO SIDE) Project Pre-Screening Form (REFERENCE HAND-OUT) AND --- A HANDY EXAMPLE of WHAT IS EXPECTED....
A Specialized Campus of the California State University 10 IJ Pre-Screening Criteria –Support/Attainment for at least ONE (1) and as many as SEVENTEEN (17) Mitigation Initiatives Supporting the Risk Mitigation & Trade Resumption Strategies detailed in PART THREE. (Possible Score: 0 to 10 points) –Demonstrated Applicability and Benefit to the ENTIRE Port Region and Direct Enhancements to Port Security (Possible Score: 0 to 12 points) –Relative Long Term Support Factor: Operations/Maintenance/Training/ Sustainability – 2 points for each category (Possible Score: 0 to 8 (2 x 4) points) –Demonstrated Collaboration Among Multiple Maritime Stakeholders; Public-Private Partnerships, etc. (Possible Score: 0 to 10 points) –Budgeted Cost; Time to Complete; NEPA/CEQA Impacts (Possible Score: 0 to 10 points) TOTAL POSSIBLE SCORE: 50 Points
A Specialized Campus of the California State University 11 Who Decides? Screening Board: Selected from NORTHERN CALIFORNIA AMSC MEMBERS: All Sectors - Maritime Community ELIGIBLE for PSGP funding. Voting Membership: PAGE 9 of the IJ INSTRUCTIONS & GUIDANCE TOTAL VOTING MEMBERSHIP: 11 Members Ex Officio & Non-Voting Members: 3 Members
A Specialized Campus of the California State University 12 When Does this Happen? IJ Workshop - FA (SFMX) hours PST Monday - Feb 9, 2009 Submission of IJ Project PRE-SCREEN Summaries by Submitters NLT 1500 hours PST, Friday, March 06, 2009 SFMX Review of IJ Project Summaries - FA/Screening Board NET 1500 hours PST, Friday, March 13, Submission of FORMAL IJ Packages for Review - FA/Screening Board - DATE TBD Review of FORMAL IJ Packages - FA/Screening Board DATE TBD FINAL Notification of Validated & Accepted IJ Proposals - FA (SFMX) DATE TBD Recommendation Briefing to FULL AMSC - FA (SFMX) - DATE TBD Upload of Formal Packages to FEMA - FA (SFMX) - DATE TBD
A Specialized Campus of the California State University 13 How Do I Receive Help? WEB SITE LINKS AND SUPPORT GUIDANCE Contacts: CAPT Lynn Korwatch, Executive Director – SFMX Grant Information Upload to: Mr. Paul Martin, USCG Sector San Francisco FEMA Informational Web Site: Reference Materials to be Uploaded onto SFMX Website
A Specialized Campus of the California State University 14