PROGRAM NAME & LENGTH Department of Education CIP for Program: CIP Program Description: Cinematography and Film/Video Production Video Symphony Program Title: New Media Production Level: Certification Program Program length: 12 months
COST How much will the program cost? (Total tuition, media costs & sales tax included) California residents: $19, Total estimated cost for books and supplies: $1, Total annual room and board charges for living on campus: N/A FINANCING Number of students completing the program between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012: 22 students Within normal time: 18 students Of the 22 completes, number completing with any student loan debt: 21 students For all students (both borrowers and non- borrowers) completing the program between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012, median cumulative debt for each of the following: Federal Student loan debt: $11, Private loan debt: $0 Institutional Financing plan debt: $0
SUCCESS Job placement rate for program completers: On-Time Graduates: 71% Placed All Graduates: 67% Placed Who is included in the job placement rates? Graduates estimated to complete between 7/1/11 - 6/30/12, excluding International students & those who completed a waiver denying job placement assistance. What type of jobs? All jobs relevant in the post- production field For more information on jobs in this field of study, visit ONET Online.ONET Online When were they employed? ACCET placement includes all grads that are employed, BPPE placement includes grads employed within six months of graduation. How were graduates tracked? Alumni survey and employer feedback. What agencies (state or accrediting) if any, is this rate reported to? We report to ACCET and BPPE.