Doug Tucker of WECC & Milorad Papic of IPC 2012 TRD/TADS Webinar October 23, 2012
2 o General Overview – Milorad Papic, IPC o Modified WECC TPL-001-WECC-CRT-2 System Performance Criterion effective since April 1, Milorad Papic o An update on current activities of WECC RS – Milorad Papic o Cooperation between RPEWG and NERC in performing statistical analysis using TRD outage and inventory data – Milorad Papic o Common Tower versus Common Corridor – Milorad Papic o WECC 2012 State of the Interconnection Report – Doug Tucker o Data Correlation to PRC – Doug Tucker o Joint Ownership – Doug Tucker o Conclusion – Doug Tucker WECC TRD and NERC TADS
3 RPEWG (Reliability Performance Evaluation Work Group) WECC TRD (Transmission Reliability Database) NERC TADS (Transmission Availability Data System) TRD vs. TADS General Overview
4 PMWG was formed as a RS Working Group in June In a 1996 WSCC survey indicated that 90% of member utilities expressed interest in a development of some type of probabilistic based reliability criteria. In 1998 PCC approved the PBRC development framework and Phase I Implementation Plan. PBRC Phase I development and implementation of event probabilities into Performance Table (Table W-1) was completed. Ultimate goal is to produce a more economically efficient system without sacrificing system reliability. RPEWG - History
5 TRD started as a sub group of the Reliability Subcommittee Spring 2004 WECC PCC - OC 2005, requested to re-tool for attributes Formed TRDTF in Fall 2005 WECC PCC, OC and Board approved it in Fall of 2006 RPEWG merged with TRDTF as a new RPEWG sometimes in the end of 2006 RPEWG - History
6 RPEWG was initially formed as a PCC Working Group. RPEWG has started to play new role as result of new NERC Reliability standards and WECC Reliability Criteria as well as the creation of a new WECC outage data system TRD. RPEWG was merged with TRD Task Force in RPEWG past Chairs: James Leigh-Kendall (SMUD), John Leland (NWE) and Brian Keel (SRP) 6
7 RPEWG – Scope of Work Develops processes to implement probabilistic-based reliability criteria Reviews requests for performance category adjustments Monitors facility outage data and recommends category adjustments Maintains the Performance Level Adjustment Record Define facility outage data reporting requirements and making recommendations to the RS on reliability performance level. 7
8 Members of the RPEWG (includes WECC Staff as Members of RPEWG) only have access to raw outage data RPEWG Members listed on the WECC website Access to data governed by RPIC, Approved Exhibit C Raw outage performance compared to criteria of WECC Performance Criteria Table W-1 RPEWG Membership & Activities
9 Purpose of TRD Provides a common format for outage data submittal to WECC and NERC Provides a transmission outage database for PCUR (Performance Category Upgrade Requests) Provides database to monitor, evaluate and report WECC transmission lines & transformers performance Provides pool of reliable outage statistics to assess impact of various variables such as: environmental conditions, equipment type, voltage class, age etc). Enables Benchmark data with other data sources (NERC, CEA, CIGRE, SGS, Companies database, etc.)
10 Transmission Circuit Attribute Table Same as last year; Miles, Type, Voltage, Conductors per Phase, Overhead Ground Wires, Insulation Type, Cable Type, Structure Materials, Structure Types, Circuits per Structure, Terrain Exposure, Elevation Exposure. Transformer Attribute Table Same as last year; High and Low Side kV, Single or Multi, Rating. TRD Sheets
TRD Transmission Reliability Data Standard Statistical Reports Performance Reports Customized Reports TRD COLLECTION SCHEME.... Utility 1 Utility 2 Utility 3 Utility n NERC TADS 11
12 TADS (TRD) overview NERC wide data collection AC circuits >= 200kV Transformers Low Side >= 200kV AC/DC Back to Back Converters >= 200kV AC Voltage DC Circuits >= +/-200kV NERC TADS
13 TADS Metrics Calculated: Inventory of AC & DC Equipment Circuit & Transformer Outage F & D per outage initiation code Circuit Sustained and Momentary Outage Metrics, Element or Other Initiated NERC TADS
Data Submittal & Review TO Submits Data to WECC WECC WECC REVIEW TOs DATA Check TO Data Assign Event ID Codes for Events affecting more than one TO NERC NERC REVIEW WECC DATA Check WECC and other RE Data Assign Event ID Codes for Events affecting more than one RE Fills in missing data on whether an outage triggered a disturbance report WECC submit reviewed TADS data to NERC 14
15 TRD Data Differences: Focus on Common Corridor Outages (RPEWG) Physical Attribute Data Inputs Circuits Outage Rates per Conductors per Phase Number of Ground Wires Insulator Type Structure Material Structure Type Terrain Exposure Elevation Range TRD and TADS Differences
16 The modified WECC TPL System Performance Criteria was approved by the WECC BOD December 1, 2012 and has an effective date of April 1, Modifications include: Modified the definition of Adjacent Transmission Circuits is now included in the “WECC Glossary of Terms” Removed the definition for Common Corridor Modified the applicability of the Adjacent Circuits Requirement R1.1 TPL-001-WECC-CRT-2 System Performance Criteria
17 Purpose: System simulations and associated assessments are needed periodically to ensure that reliable systems are developed that meet specified performance requirements with sufficient lead time, and that systems continue to be modified or upgraded as necessary to meet present and future system needs. Applicability * Applies to only Adjacent Transmission Circuits where both circuits are greater than or equal to 300 kV. * Applies to effects on facilities external to a Transmission Planner area. * Does not apply to Adjacent Transmission Circuits that share a common right-of-way for a total of three miles or less, including – but not limited to – substation entrances, pinch points, and river crossings. TPL-001-WECC-CRT-2 System Performance Criteria
18 A. Requirements R1. In addition to NERC Table 1, each Planning Coordinator and Transmission Planner shall comply with WECC’s Disturbance-Performance Table (Table W- 1) of Allowable Effects on Other Systems and Part 1.1–1.4, contained in this section, when planning the Transmission System in the Western Interconnection The NERC Category C5 initiating event of a single-line-to-ground fault with normal clearing shall also apply to the common mode contingency of two Adjacent Transmission Circuits on separate towers — unless the Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) is determined to be greater than 30 years (i.e., outage frequency is less than outages per year). R5. For any event that has actually resulted in cascading, action must be taken so that future occurrences of the event will not result in cascading; or it must demonstrate that the Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF) is greater than 300 years (frequency less than outages/year) and approved by PCC Any contingency adjusted to Category D must not result in a cascading outage unless the MTBF is greater than 300 years (frequency less than outages/year); or the initiating disturbances and corresponding impacts are confined to either a radial system or a local network. TPL-001-WECC-CRT-2 System Performance Criteria
19 WECC Table W-1
20 TRD Outage Data Collection Planning and Operations Criteria Differences Impact of high Transfer for Adjacent Circuits Composite Load Model Impacts Performance Criteria Upgrade Request Process Variable Generation Study An Update on Current RS Activities
21 Overview of WECC Transmission Reliability Database o Inventory o Outages AC circuit outages: Distribution study Transmission circuit attributes as explanatory variables for the number of outages (the outage rate) Correlation analysis and hierarchy of the numerical explanatory variables for the number of outages Remarks on statistical analysis for character attributes Presentation by Svetlana Ekisheva is available on WECC web site under RPEWG NERC & RPEWG Cooperation in performing statistical analysis of TRD outage & inventory data
CRW COT Common Tower & Common Right of Way
WECC State of the interconnection Transmission Line Circuit Miles - AC Voltage (kV) AC Voltage Total AC Miles 120,385 Line Miles 27,84516,6163,47541,31110,14620,992 Table 1: Transmission Line Circuit Miles - AC Voltage (kV) Transmission Line Circuit Miles - ± DC Voltage (kV) DC Voltage Total DC Miles 1,744 Line Miles 14701, Table 2: Transmission Line Circuit Miles - +/- DC Voltage (kV)
24 Transmission Circuits Frequency Figure 1: Frequency of Outage Duration 2011
25 Percent Distribution of Outages Figure 2: Causes of Transmission Outages for 2011, All Voltages
26 Data Gathering Discussion and results Outages with the same element ID that occur within 1-5 minutes of each other need separate event IDs Joint owners – need to report only the lines you are responsible for according to form 2.1 Correlation to PRC-003-WECC-CRT-1 (Misoperation Report) and Disturbance reports
27 WECC converts the TRD data into the NERC forms 3.1, 3.2, 3.4, , 5.0, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3, 6.4 Upload the data onto the NERC database WECC takes the additional data and creates the TRD report which will give us an insight on any patterns that will arise WECC State of the Interconnection Report WECC Data Handling
28 NERC has asked the TO’s to correlate with each other on who is reporting the information for their jointly owned lines TO A and TO B must be reporting jointly owned lines on Form 2.1 and indicating who is the reporting TO even if TO B owns 1% of the line and TO A owns 99% of the line Joint Owner Form 2.1
29 Form 2.1 TO-SRP TO-SCE
30 NERC Glossary of Terms (updated 4/20/2010) defines Misoperation as; o “Any failure of a Protection System element to operate within the specified time when a fault or abnormal condition occurs within a zone of protection. o Any operation for a fault not within a zone of protection (other than operation as backup protection for a fault in an adjacent zone that is not cleared within a specified time for the protection for that zone). o Any unintentional Protection System operation when no fault or other abnormal condition has occurred unrelated to on-site maintenance and testing activity.” For each sample ‘Misoperation Cause’ below, based on the current ‘TADS Cause Code’ definitions, the following ‘Cause Codes’ should be used on Form 4.x ; Misoperation Cause Codes
31 Mapping of Misoperation
32 TOs are responsible for data quality. Each Regional Entity Coordinator (REC) or Designated Regional Entity Coordinator (DRE) is available to assist TOs (Doug Tucker; o Form 1.1 & 1.2 contact updates & checklist of Forms o Form 2.x “Multi-Owner” reporting coordination single TO is responsible for TADS reporting of outages AND inventory. o Coordinate common Event ID code for TADS Events affecting more than one TO. Enter a TADS “NERC Company” Event ID code. o Coordinate evaluation of AC Circuit outages on common structures when the circuits are owned by different TOs. o Prior to March 1 st, TOs should reconcile their TADS reported outages with outages to be reported in PRC and EOP required reports. o Prior to March 1 st, TOs should review their TO webTADS “Reports” for outage & inventory data consistency & completeness. Responsibilities for Each TO * TADS Training Part A v5.ppt