1 Regional Dialogue Contract Overview and Scheduling Impacts WECC Schedulers Meeting May 10 th & 11 th 2010
2 Existing Subscription Contracts expire September 2011 Regional Dialogue contracts replace Subscription Power Contracts thru 2028 Limited Federal Resources Not enough generation to serve all customers loads Customers or BPA will need to acquire additional resources to meet load growth State requirements for Renewable resources Introduction
3 Load Following, Slice and Block contracts High Water Mark determines what portion of federal generation the customer is eligible to purchase at Tier 1 rate Tiered rate resources from BPA –Tier 1- Federal Power at BPA cost based rate –Tier 2- Power purchased by BPA from market to serve above HWM load Contracts
4 Non-Federal Resources –Customers acquire their own resources to serve additional load above HWM Resource Support Services (RSS) is a group of products BPA is offering customers to support Non-Federal resource purchases Resources
5 Customers can choose one or many Diurnal Flattening Service (DFS) –Flattens variable customer resources output into flat blocks using BPA generation –May require hourly schedule changes to both federal and non-federal resources serving load Forces Outage Reserve Service (FORS) –BPA backs up non-federal resources during generation outages –BPA responsible for managing more curtailments RSS products
6 Transmission Curtailment Management Service (TCMS) –BPA serves load in event of transmission curtailment between resource and load (future hours) –Also will create more curtailments for BPA to manage Resource Remarking Service (RRS) –BPA remarkets non-federal resources in excess of customer requirements. –Require some generation scheduled to the load and the remainder scheduled elsewhere. 2 other RSS products –Secondary Credit Service (SCS) –Generation Management Service (GMS) RSS products
7 BPA is enhancing and developing its scheduling systems to manage RD contracts Leveraging opportunity to implement enhancements to improve automation of resources to load allocation, transmission purchases, and e-Tagging Developing web based electronic interface (Customer Portal) Affects on Scheduling
8 Customer Portal Customers will log in to website and submit schedule data directly to BPA Customer Portal will be used in both Preschedule and Real Time AE’s will be working with Scheduling to reach out to customers BPA will be conducting training and coordinating testing spring/summer of 2011
9 Questions ?