Brett Wangen, Director of Engineering Michelle Mizumori, Director of Reliability Coordination RC Plan Changes Operating Committee Meeting October 24, 2013
2 Review WECC RC Plan key changes Request approval of the revised WECC RC Plan Discuss next steps related to outage coordination Today’s Objective
3 Changed reference to actions in response to SOLs and IROLs within 30 minutes to: o IROLs within 30 minutes o SOLs as soon as practicable but not to exceed timeframes defined in applicable standards SOLs & IROLs
4 Changed “Approve and coordinate transmission and generation outages” to “Review and coordinate…” o More accurately reflects the current RC process Outage Coordination
5 Changed description of footprint to “Western Interconnection excluding Alberta” o This reflects the upcoming change the AESO area Geographic Area
6 The previous RC Plan had a section describing the requirements for the WECC RC and WECC Compliance to maintain functional separation o No longer applicable after bifurcation RC Independence
7 NERC ORS: September or November WECC OC: October WECC Board: December 4-6 NERC OC: December Approval Process
Brett Wangen Michelle Mizumori Questions?