Brett Wangen, Director of Engineering WECC RC Update to PCC Planning Coordination Committee Meeting October 24, 2013
2 Review RC work that impacts planning community Look for cooperation and coordination with WECC planners Establish on-going communication between WECC RC and PCC Today’s Objectives
3 Phase I – review generators and GSUs o Status: 60% of BAs/TOPs completed review Phase II – review transmission system Lessons learned – Planning Engineers and Operations Engineers don’t coordinate Expected outcome of project is to establish a baseline for WSM quality and to continue to move forward from that baseline WBRTF
4 Actual example from 10/1/2013, names replaced RC asked TOP X to run generation to mitigate expected post-contingency exceedance on 115 kV line ABC due to loss of 345 kV line XYZ TOP X study did not show this problem (not a real-time study) TOP X ran generation and mitigated issue After the fact analysis showed a parallel 69 kV system that was not modeled in WSM This is a regular occurrence! Example of Model Validation Needs
5 MSRATF is drafting a white paper on the need for node breaker modeling Conference call with MSRATF indicated a desire to move quickly in that direction What group is making that decision? Is it time to start looking at WSM integration with BCCS? Looking into perceived data sharing limitations Exploration of Node Breaker Model
6 Build upon the RC SOL methodology concepts Modify Western Interconnection philosophy that TTC = SOL; TTC should respect SOLs Foster environment that emphasizes real- time reliability assessments and effective mitigation when system is experiencing unacceptable system performance Path Operator Task Force
7 TOPs and RC alike are starting to ask the question “How can we better manage outage coordination in the West?” Issues to address include o Is outage information properly shared/coordinated? o How can we best implement an RC approval process? o What system wide studies should be done that aren’t being done today? Outage Coordination
8 A few specifics: o Improve timing of scheduled outage submittals Recognize different types of equipment may have different submittal requirements o Outages should be studied multiple times prior to start (as input data improves closer to real-time) o Study automation is a must o Full interconnection stability analysis o Clear coordination roles and responsibilities Procedures, mitigation plans o RC “active” approval process Outage Coordination (Cont’d)
9 WECC RC is nearing completion of an outreach effort with TOPs that own/operate RAS Modeling/alarming/situational awareness enhancements continue RAS data is intended to be made available to UDSA signers via the website. RAS/SPS Data Collection Effort
10 WECC RC is making advanced applications available to TOPs o State Estimation, Real-time Contingency Analysis, and Study Network Applications Potential TOP benefits: o Ability to have the same information as the RC o Ability to perform real-time studies o Ability to perform day-ahead studies, event analysis, or offline studies WECC Hosted Advanced Apps
11 What future coordination efforts would the PCC like to see from the WECC RC? What topics would the PCC like to hear more of from the RC? Less of? Future Coordination