Andrew Meyers OC Update ISAS April 2014 Salt Lake City, UT
2 Discussion of OC Goals o Continuing with analysis of RBC o USF event analysis task force continuing to analyze events. Done with 12 & 13 events o Support assignments with Sept 8 event. o Tool development w/WECC & Peak o Bifurcation activities—close to done OC Update
3 OC Vice-Chair Search o Recommending – Darren Buck (WAPA) o Recommendation will be posted for 10 days following the meeting. Allow members to vote during 10 days and then take recommendation to Board OC Vice Chair Search
4 Term Lengths OC leadership terms are 2 years in length Progression from Vice Chair to Chair (4 year commitment) Search committee had several candidates remove themselves due to length of commitment Brief discussion regarding the idea of changing term limits to 1 year terms Some support for shorter terms Nothing was adopted at this point OC Vice Chair Search
5 Brought an updated charter for OC Approval Charter was approved Discussion concerning future of WECC training program. Discussion about costs of training and lack of attendance. WECC still wants to provide members the opportunity for their training. Do classes need to be restructured to be more online…web based, remote access Operations Training Subcommittee (OTS)
6 Subcommittee has reviewed a number of RAS schemes and approved their removal Brought an updated charter for approval Removing quorum requirement RASRS chair no longer approves but accepts new members Charter approved Remedial Action Scheme Reliability Subcommittee (RASRS)
7 Presented Document “Information Required to Assess the Reliability of a RAS” Procedure to submit a RAS for assessment Document was approved Remedial Action Scheme Reliability Subcommittee (RASRS)
8 Motion: Extend the RBC field trial, with ATL at 4*L 10 until May 1, 2014 then raise ATL to 8*L 10 limit, until the sooner of the effective date of the new BAL standard or FERC remands Motion Failed. Expansion of the Bandwidth for Manual Time Error Correction WECC staff to request that NAESB change time error correction to +/- 30 seconds to initiate correction, terminate correction when error less than +/- 25 seconds. Motion passes Operating Practices and Event Analysis Subcommittee (OPEAS)
9 Motion: Post Contingency Guideline o Discussion spanned two days as motion was adjusted on the morning of second meeting day. o Motion should have been ed out to conduct ballot. Operating Practices and Event Analysis Subcommittee (OPEAS)
10 Motion: Approve WON Security Guideline o OATI has exemptions to the requirements for connection to the WON. o Motion approved Critical Infrastructure and Information Management Subcommittee (CIIMS)
11 o Motion: Approve UFAS Charter Discussion concerning term length and make up on committee. Motion to amend charter remove unlimited term membership (1c) Motion approved Unscheduled Flow Administrative Subcommittee (UFAS)
12 Peak MAC Update o Finalized charter & principals posted PEAK MAC Update