Timing for Our NIKKEN Opportunity
Introduction Timing: the most influential aspect of starting a business yet one you have the least control over When the timing is right: You maximize potential And minimize risk!
Introduction R S HG M Product/Opportunity Growth Curve
Introduction “Make no mistake, there is a crisis (health & wealth), a trend of epidemic proportions going on in the rest of America. Right now, NWM is the only force I see on the horizon that has the potential to make this kind of huge change.” Paul Zane Pilzer, Economist Paul Zane Pilzer, Economist NWM = Network Marketing
Industry Review Clothing & Accessories/personal care (cosmetics, jewelry, skin care, etc.) 33.7% Home/family care/home durables (cleaning products, cookware, cutlery, etc.) 26.7% Wellness (weight loss products, vitamins, etc.) 20.3% Services/other15.1% Leisure/educational (books, videos, toys, etc.) 4.2% Percent of Sales by Major Product Groups Nikken positioned in Product Groups equaling 47% of Sales 2006 (latest numbers) US Retail Sales$32.18 Billion Source for the above numbers: Growth & Outlook Survey Report: U.S. Direct Selling in 2006 and other sources. This information is pulled from the DSA Website.
Industry Review Percent of Sales by Major Product Groups Our primary segments, wellness and home & family care/home durables, make up 47% of the $32.18 billion in sales. Good News for Nikken Consultants! Source for the above numbers: Growth & Outlook Survey Report: U.S. Direct Selling in 2006 and other sources. This information is pulled from the DSA Website.
Now let’s look at how these products are being sold. Location of Sales (reported as a percent of sales dollars) Source for the above numbers: Growth & Outlook Survey Report: U.S. Direct Selling in 2006 and other sources. This information is pulled from the DSA Website.
67.1 % of sales were Individual/person-to- person versus 28.9 % in a party plan/group situation. Source for the above numbers: Growth & Outlook Survey Report: U.S. Direct Selling in 2006 and other sources. This information is pulled from the DSA Website. Sales Strategy (method used to generate sales, reported as a percent of sales dollars)
Nikken’s Product categories Emphasis on face to face selling Backed up by an internet presence Places our opportunity squarely in the middle of the successful business methods utilized in the direct selling industry.
Comparison with Retail Growth Rate (vertical axis = annual percent change) When economy is in transition NWM does well Source for the above numbers: Growth & Outlook Survey Report: U.S. Direct Selling in 2006 and other sources. This information is pulled from the DSA Website.
Estimated 2006 U.S. Direct Sales: $32.18 Billion
Estimated 2006 U.S. Salespeople15.2 Million
Age (from 2002 National Sales Force Survey )
Media The U.S. Chamber of Commerce said “Millions of Americans are embracing entrepreneurship by running their own small businesses, through independent contracting or direct selling.” (Source: report titled Work, Entrepreneurship and opportunity in 21 st Century America) June/July 2008
A recent Gallup Poll finding that 61 percent of Americans now say that they prefer to be their own bosses.
According to Fresno California based research firm Decipher, 72 percent of all adult Americans would rather work for themselves… and 67 percent think about quitting their jobs “regularly” or “constantly.” An increasing number are doing more than thinking about it; they’re doing it.
The creation of a new business “is more wide spread than the creation of a new household or the birth of a baby,” reports the 2002 Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics.
Carl Schramm, president of the Kauffman Foundation says, speaking about the 15 percent of the U.S. population involved in running their own businesses; “These entrepreneurs, people now creating half the new jobs in America, are defining the new economy, not just here but around the world. We could call the current era the age of entrepreneurial capitalism.”
As economist Paul Zane Pilzer puts it in The Next Millionaires, “We’re in the midst of a boom in home-based businesses, and it shows no sign of slowing.” Here’s how Fortune magazine put it in a recent cover story: “Forget the paycheck; your W-2 days are over. It’s a 1099 world now.”
Why More Security More satisfying lifestyle Greater financial opportunity Opportunity to have greater impact Why folks are saying that they want to start their own businesses:
73% of Americans believe their financial situation will worsen. 47% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. 42% say $500 more per paycheck would allow them to live comfortably. 43% of households spend more than they earn. Nearly 42% do not have enough in liquid assets to support themselves for three months. Need for security
Nikken’s 5 Pillars of Health perfectly supports the reasons why folks are looking to start their own businesses
One of the biggest reasons says John David Mann author of the Success Magazine article quoted above, for the self-owned business boom is that people love the benefits of working for themselves and enjoy the freedom they gain from designing their own prosperity.
In another issue of Success Magazine Robert Kiyosaki says: Increase Wealth: Start a business. With companies downsizing, the falling dollar and the higher cost of living, many families are feeling the pinch “The need to earn more money has never been greater.” For many he says “the No. 1 thing they can do to increase their wealth is to start a part-time business. They can start a small home-based business, an Internet company or network marketing business.”
“The richest people in the world build networks. Everyone else is trained to look for work” Robert Kiyosaki Author of #1 best seller Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Nikken is an opportunity whose time is come. We are positioned properly within the Direct Selling Industry. The public at large is looking to own their own businesses at numbers never seen before. Major players in the business world are advocating for network marketing as never before. The media is driving demand for our product and our opportunity. Economic conditions favor the need for an additional income.
Leadership at corporate favorable for business expansion and for supporting the field as it grows. Field leadership with the experience to support growth. Leaders in the field now have made millions in this business and are available to help you grow your business.
The Rest is up to you!