Hero saw that Ollie was being teased but he did nothing about it. What do you think that Hero could have done?
How do you think doing nothing about it would have affected Hero’s life at the zoo?
If you let bullying go it builds a whole atmosphere of bullying. Another word for that is a culture. A bullying culture is no fun for anybody. We need to build a culture of encouragement, acceptance and friendship instead.
Hero was worried that if he told the bully to stop that he would be picked on instead. Do you think that is a good reason not to help?
Sometimes it’s hard to step in to help someone who is being bullied and you might be frightened that the bullying will turn to you but imagine how you would feel if you were in the position of the person being bullied now. You would want someone to help.
People who have studied bullying have found that when someone steps in to stop it, it normally stops! We can all make a difference. And if the bullying does turn to you, tell someone about it.
What if it feels too dangerous to help someone who is being bullied? What do you do then?
Remember that you can, at least, let a teacher or someone else in authority know. You can at least do that. What else can you do to help someone who is being bullied?
I wondered why Ollie didn’t stand up for herself. Do you think she should have stood up for herself?
Yes she should have. But she probably felt so down about the teasing that she couldn’t. People who are being bullied do need someone to help them. We are all responsible for the culture we create.
I didn’t understand the saying, “You will reap what you sow.” What do you think it means in terms of friendships?
The line of the song that is repeated is “You sow, you wait, you reap.” Lots of people forget about the waiting part. They want to have friendship straight away when they haven’t given it time to grow. What sorts of things can you do to help friendships and a friendly culture grow and to encourage others?
In the show, Michelle says “If you sow kindness you’ll eventually get kindness back. If you sow encouragement, you’ll eventually get encouraged too.” That’s a good thing but do you think it works the other way too? For example if you sow nastiness will you eventually get nastiness back?
How have you seen this work both ways? Try to think of one good way and one bad way.
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