Nonprofit financial and real estate resources Where nonprofits come first Innovations in Financing Creating a Continuum of Financing Options for Education
2 Welcome to IFF
3 Agenda I.IFF Overview II.Challenges to Charter School Finance III.Creating a Continuum of Charter School Finance IV.Charter Financing in the Current Climate V.Q & A
4 IFF Overview Nonprofit CDFI provider for below-market real estate and equipment loans and real estate consulting for nonprofit sectors serving low-income and special needs communities $145 million total assets $115 million loans receivable $2 million annual consulting fee revenues Closed 680 loans totaling over $225 million to agencies serving over 1.3 million people Developed over 1 million sqft. of community facilities Serve Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Missouri and Wisconsin 2008 Wachovia NEXT Award for Opportunity Finance
5 Lending Direct lending up to $1.5 million Financial packaging of bank debt and IFF loans Credit enhancement of bond financing for projects over $5 million 59 loans totaling $23+ million; 9 campuses bond financed totaling $49 million; packaging of $125 million
6 Real Estate Services Project Feasibility Analysis Facilities Planning Services Project Pre-Development Project Management Real Estate Development Consulted on 38 different campus projects, including development of 13 campuses; total of 6,700 new students
7 Public Policy and Research Consultant to Chicago Public Schools Authorizing review Facilities consulting Strategic advice Needs Assessment Research Advocacy
8 Challenges in Financing Charter Schools Often start-up organizations Limited charter terms Best practices call for ramp up model Fundraising Little equity Loan to value problems Inexperience in development Timing development and financing
9 Financing Throughout School Development IFF Loans New Schools Pooled Bonds Established Charters participate in pooled bonds to demonstrate successful track record. Stand-Alone More established charters participate in stand-alone bonds. Non Credit Enhanced After 10 years in Stand-alone Bond Program or 2 charter renewals, schools enter into non- credit enhanced bond financing.
10 Charter School Capital Program IFF Loans Projects from $10,000 to $1.5 million 5% fixed rate financing Terms up to 15 yrs. Financing for start-up, pre-development, equipment, acquisition, renovation, new construction, on leased and owned space 59 loans to 28 schools totaling $23+ million Real Estate Services* Assistance with every stage Site selection Facilities assessment Space planning Project budgeting Project management Completed 25+ consulting & development projects *in certain markets Bond Financing with $18 million U.S. Dept of Education grants Projects over $1 million Low, tax-exempt, investment grade rates Terms up to 30 years Credit enhanced for public market access Leased or owned spaces 100% financing Sponsored $49 million for 9 campuses (new & existing) CONTINUUM OF SERVCIES
11 Features of IFF Charter School Loans Start up schools are eligible Financing available for leasehold improvements Gap financing provided Will subordinate to commercial banks Loan term NOT tied to charter term Only 5% equity requirement No Fees, points or prepayment penalties
12 ACT Charter School, Inc., Chicago LoanPurpose $545, : 15-year loan to purchase/rehab building from Archdiocese for new school $82, : 5-year loan to furnish offices and classrooms $100, : 5-year loan to renovate vacated tenant space for six new classrooms $200,000 $1,000, : 15-year loan to repay ACT operations for past improvements; restructure IFF debt 2008: 15 year loan for needed repairs on the building and restructuring of IFF debt; partnered with another CDFI IFF partnered with ACT since its inception, helping ACT grow even during years of fiscal challenges.
13 CSCP Bond Program Goals Capital Market Access $18 million Credit Enhancement as Debt Service Reserve Fund Lower risk of charter school by providing additional liquidity Secure long term, low, tax exempt rates Finance long-term facility leases and purchases Simple covenants Leverage Over $300 million in capital Impact 39 schools created in Illinois, Missouri, Wisconsin and Indiana 19,500 students served (with 75% students qualifying for free and reduced lunch Result in approximately 2 million square feet developed
14 Financing Features: Tax Exempt Bonds Credit Enhancement: Up to 10% of par amount of bonds Debt service reserve fund Provides additional liquidity 100% project financing available For projects from $1 million - $??? Available for leasehold improvements Fixed rate Level debt service Capitalized interest available IFF facilitated; experienced team; standardized documents; simple covenants
15 IFF’s Role as a Sponsor A Market Leader: Creating access to affordable capital Able to leverage real estate experience and relationships Highly committed to doing whatever it takes Providing construction loan capital Monitoring construction Moving transaction to closing
16 Representative Loan & Bond Transaction Noble Network of Charter Schools Four expansion campuses for 2007 and 2008 school years IFF RES identified all sites and managed development projects Two IFF pre-development loans = $5 million Two IFF loans for acquisition and lease build-out = $2 million Two bond issues permanent financing = $25 million Both received “A” rating Each just under 6% fixed interest rate for 25 years
17 Charter School Financing in Current Climate Bond markets have seized up Banks extremely cautious around both collateral and exposure CDFIs needed to reduce exposure and credit enhance private debt
18 IFF’s Role Design financing structure particular to each school If applicable, introduce to and partner with banks Provide experienced team, standardized documents, negotiated lower fees, etc. Facilitate process and move to closing Highly committed to doing whatever it takes Provide construction and predevelopment loans Increase IFF subordinated debt Increase credit enhancement Provide monitoring
19 Private Placement Bonds Namaste Charter School 5 year old elementary school in need of space to accommodate growing enrollment $7.5 million addition onto leased property IFF secured $4,000,000 in privately placed bonds IFF provided credit enhancement equal to 10% of bank’s loan in debt service reserve fund IFF increased direct loan to $2.5 million Bank additionally provided bridge loan to ensure construction continued to meet schedule
20 Bank Debt Chicago Math and Science Academy 5 year old middle/high school in need of additional space for growing enrollment and to increase capacity to serve more students $11 million acquisition and renovation of former retail space IFF secured $5,000,000 private bank loan IFF provided credit enhancement equal to 10% of bank loan in debt reserve fund IFF increased direct loan to $5,000,000 IFF provided $400,000 5-year FFE loan
21 New Markets Tax Credits Comer Science and Education Foundation $21 million new construction high school campus to be operated and leased by established Noble Network Charter Schools IFF secured leveraged loan in amount of $8 million and equity investor IFF provided credit enhancement equal to 10% of loan in debt service reserve fund Credit enhancement lowered interest rate charged and enabled bank to accept interest only payments during credit period
22 Resources from IFF IFF web site ( Technical assistance worksheets Publications and research reports Regional and Missouri eNewsletters New products and services for nonprofits New technical assistance resources New publications and research reports
23 Contacts Jill Levine Director of School Services (312) Michelle Gleason Program Associate – Charter Schools (312) Joe Neri Executive Vice President (312)
Nonprofit financial and real estate resources Where nonprofits come first