The development of biologically active medication to treat TBC patients Malkov S. А., Shironosov O.V., Shironosova G.I.
PROBLEM TOPICALITY Every year TBC causes the following: 1 billon people infection; 8-10 billion people illness; 3-4 billion people death. WHO declared TBC the global danger in 1993.
Is expensive (the average cost of one bed day rubles); Causes poisonous effect; Requires long-term (4-6 months) administration; Is aggravated by multidrug resistance. Modern TBC patient treatment
Galleria Mellonella – The Greater Wax Moth I.I. Mechnikov (1889); S.А. Mukhin (1955); N.А. Spiridonov (1989). Extract's properties: 1. Immune protective; 2. Antimicrobial; 3. Antioxidant.
HOW TO GET A BIOACTIVE PRODUCT FROM THE GREATER WAX MOTH LARVAE (21) /14 (22) (46) Bulletin №18 (71) Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics, USSR Academy of Sciences (72) Spiridonov NA ; Rachkov AK ; Mukhin SA ; Kondrashova MN. (73) Spiridonov Nikolay Aleksandrovich (55) USSR certificate of authorship N , А 61 К 35/
The way of noncontact activation Solutions with negative redox potential are deoxidants; have powerful antioxidant features; improve permeability of biological membranes; improve the protective features of organism.
THE PROJET’S AIM is the development of bioactive medication (with long-lasting redox potential) on the basis of water solutions of The Greater Wax Moth larvae to treat TBC patients.
DYNAMICS OF REDOX POTENTIAL CHANGE Date Control (redox potential, mV) Experiment (redox potential, mV)
Clinical research Republican tuberculosis dispensary: 15 patients; Infiltrative TB. Average age - 40 years; Gender - male; Treatment duration – 3,5 months.
Research results twofold reduction of abacillary duration; reduction of intoxication; improvement of blood value (reduction of the number of lymphocytes, improvement of differential blood cell count, ESR reduction, etc.).
Commercialization perspectives Bed day shortening by 1,5-2 times. Treatment course depreciation. Increase of medication’s biological activity.
Demand assessment after launching Demand assessment after launching: 1 st year (USD)3 rd year (USD) Russia CIS countries ЕС countries, USA