Chapter 1: Time Management You are in charge of your time management. Everyone gets the same hours in a day—24. What you do with your time in college is key to your success. Plan daily and plan intentionally for each hour of your day. Time is a very precious commodity.
Discuss your best time-management practices/tips. Discuss your areas that need improvement. On a daily basis, starting today, what are three things you could do to better manage your time?
Log use of your time for a week. Write down on paper how you spent each hour. What have you learned from this exercise? Discuss what you have learned with a peer and develop goals for improvement.
Find two websites that have practical and useful tips about time management. What are suggestions you can apply?
Read again and review the time-management tips on pages of your text. Put a plus or minus by each tip, indicating if you are presently using this tip (+) or could improve/begin using (-).