IWG Update April 2014 ISAS Danielle Johnson
WIAB Test – Still looking for other volunteers for the WIAB Fall 2014 – Volunteer as of Today WAPA Rocky Mountain Region Phoenix, AZ
IWG Meeting BAL-002-WECC-2 BAL-002-WECC-2 Standard when implemented in October 2014 will no longer require the Contingency Reserve Responsible entity and Reserve Obligation Multiplier to be stated on the e-tag. – Retirement of INT-014-WECC-RBP Identification of Contingency Reserve Responsibilities in the e-tag. Approved by ISAS ~3-4 years ago, SAR was submitted from the Rewrite workgroup
IWG Meeting BAL-002-WECC-2 INT-011-WECC-RBP-2 Ten Minute Recallable e-Tag Functionality for Reserves – Removal of WR1 #3 and #4 SAR has been submitted. In review, no other RBP specified a requirement for a Reserve Obligation multiplier or Reserve Responsible Entity.
IWG Meeting BAL-002-WECC-2 Other changes needed to support BAL-002- WECC-2 Pending a May 19 th WECC meeting on Implementation of BAL-002. – May need changes to INT-009-WECC-2 Capacity Tag Functionality and INT-011- WECC-2 10 minute Recallable
IWG Meeting Charter Review Combine Charters from three workgroups – E-tag Issues WG, Real Time WG, and Interchange WG – Draft Charter developed in todays meeting – The IWG Charter will be posted for 30 day comment early June – Approval in August