MI Energy
Why Purchase Production Immediate Cash Flow Very Liquid Criteria for Production Properties Have Produced for at Least Two Years Yield at Least % Annually Managed by a Creditable Operator (Chesapeake, Devon, etc.) MI Energy
Three Opportunities: ▪ Eastern Oklahoma Gas Project $3,000,000 ▪ Current Cash $2.55/mcf $547,000 p.a. ▪ Current Yield 18% ▪ Eastern Oklahoma Oil Project $1,500,000 ▪ Current Cash $85/BBL, $315,000 p.a. ▪ Current Yield 21% ▪ East Texas Oil Project $1,000,000 ▪ Current Cash $85/BBL $385,000 p.a. ▪ Current Yield 38.5% MI Energy
Total Acquisition Price$5,500,000 Projected Cash Flow Yr1 $1,247,000 Projected Yield 22.6% p.a. MI Energy
Why Purchase Rework Properties Current Cash Flow Very Liquid Upside Opportunity Criteria for Rework Properties Have Some Current Production Cash Flow Can be Increased by at Least 3X Have Historically Produced at a Rate of 10+ BBLS/Day Potential Yield at Least 20% Annually Opportunity to Sell at 2X or Greater MI Energy
Project Specifics Purchase Price $1,500,000 Investor Participation 33% Current Production < 5 BBLS/Day Previously Produced 50+ BBLS/Day Projected Production 33+ BBLS/Day Projected Cash Flow p.a. $1,023,825 Projected Investor Cash Flow $337,862 Projected Yield p.a. 22.5% Pro forma Base Price $85.00/Barrel of Oil MI Energy
Financials: Purchase Price $7,000,000 ▪ E.Texas Re-Worked $1,500,00 ▪ Production Acquisition $5,500,00 Projected Cash Flow (Yr 1) $1,584,862 ▪ E.Texas Re-Worked $ 337,862 ▪ Production Acquisition $1,247,000 Projected Yield p.a. 22.6% ▪ E.Texas Re-Worked 22.5% ▪ Production Acquisition 22.6% * Pro forma Base Price - $85.00/Barrel of Oil MI Energy