Michelle Mizumori Director, Operations Reliability Messaging Tool May 14, 2014
2 Messaging Tool Name: Reliability Messaging Tool (RMT) or RMT What is this project all about? o A single source messaging tool for real time operations; o Accessing variety of other useful information on PEAKRC.ORG o Support of NERC communication standards : 3- way handshake o Logging suitable for audit purposes Introduction
3 Problem Statement Current WECCNet introduces cost barriers for entities and therefore not all have access Current WECCNet relies on manual accounting for receipt verification Current WECCNet relies on manual RC Logging Current WECCNet platform does not provide an enhancement path for additional productivity features
4 Web-based and can be customized for both entity and RC needs Available to all PEAKRC.org users without cost of terminal Usability features o Easy electronic acknowledgement, with comment o Sort and Filter o Archive Benefits
5 Automated functions o Message construction and dissemination o Acknowledgement accounting o Logging Benefits (cont.)
Disclaimer: Final look and feel may vary.
7 RMT: Navigation
8 Dashboard : Main - Inbox Customize number of messages to show
9 Dashboard : Grouping and Sorting Grouped first by Sent from And then by Status
10 Dashboard : Main - Sent
11 Dashboard : Left Menu Indicates number of incoming messages not read yet Link provide the Incoming view of list requires your Acknowledgement
12 Dashboard : Acknowledgement User clicks a link. Pop up window shows.
13 Create a Message
14 Create a Message from a Template
15 Search Search View shows no left menu to distinguish from Dashboard View
16 Admin Page : Pre-defined Text
17 Admin Page : Message Template Peak Reliability
18 Admin Page : Add/Edit Message Template