We want you as a new recruit! Sexual Health Awareness in an Army Preparation College Jonathan Roberts and Jules Davies
Background Role of Liaison SHA 1 ↑ STIs and Unwanted pregnancies in Y/Ps 1 Effective Condom Use = ↓ 2 Innovative approaches required 3 Research in STIs rates amongst military personnel 4 1.DH 1999, WHO Dean Barnett & Brundage 2001.
Remit To provide a bespoke educational session for 70 male and female students aged between 16 – 19 enrolled in a Military Preparation College. To work collaboratively with other agencies.
APCymru MPCs established in 1999 Mission – to deliver quality training to empower Y/P to reach their full potential in the Armed Forces Ethos – create a positive, supportive and caring environment Specifically targets those experiencing difficulties at school
Methods 4 hour training package - Group Work Quizzes, Games & Presentations Condom demo & distribution Self taken chlamydia tests Evaluation – self completed questionnaire
Questionnaire Results 41( 59%) questionnaires returned 60% Small group work – Good / Fair 61% STIs Slide show – Good / Fair
Group work Methods of Contraception Condom demo C-Card scheme 67% - Excellent / Good
Group Work TSE Condom demo C-Cards 74% Excellent/Good
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Sexual Health Awareness
Chlamydia Results
Conclusion Multiple small group work challenging Large group number difficult to co-ordinate Gender specific groups more productive Low uptake of Chlamydia Screening More conducive learning environment Reduction in group size Additional rooms Presence of military personnel
Discussion Partnership working Outreach services - target groups Public health