C-P LUS P ROJECT W ORLD - CLASS C LUSTERS IN C ENTRAL E UROPE Tina Igličar, project manager CVVI WP 5 – Scientific board meeting 18 th October 2011, Sárvár, Hungary
WP 5 Structure - Cluster management lab - Title of action 5.1.Working group setting up and their vision 5.2.Analysis by the different working groups of the problems and objectives 5.3.Identification of the objectives 5.4.National and Transnational Plan of Action Improve the linkages between different actors to define tools and strategies towards world class clusters
E UROPEAN A WARENESS S CENARIO W ORKSHOP (EASW) Method promoting discussion and participation of different stakeholders in discussions about essential questions in order to facilitate the formulation of visions based upon their own needs and interests; The central element of the method is the dialogue with the aims that the participants develop their own visions and later their options for actions and measures; The workshop process is a combination of different moderated activities, brainstorming methods, construction of visions, presentations, dialogue and negotiations; EASW methodology is particularly suited to: - encourage dialogue and participation of different stakeholders - enable a sustainable development while respecting the needs and aspirations of all participants
E UROPEAN A WARENESS S CENARIO W ORKSHOP IN C-P LUS PROJECT Focus on linkage of the different actors of the cluster Final result will be the Transnational Action Plan, as result of collaboration between local stakeholders 4 main interest groups involved in the clusters (just a sample): (1) Entrepreneurs (2) Policy makers (3) Workers (4) Other stakeholders
5.1. Working group setting up and their vision Working groups setting up Setting up of 4 interest groups /partner Groups to be defined during the workshop In each group one stakeholders category Team building activities 5 participants per each working group Future vision state of the art analysis and vision on the next 10/20 years in order to achieve World Class Cluster. 1 future vision / working group negative & positive expectatations list of + and – expectations and fears Source: Cordis - European Awareness Scenario Workshop
5.2. Analysis by the different WG’s Elaboration of Alternative actions based on the visions from 5.1. PP’s will create a list of alternative scenarios per each WG Alternative actions identification 1 list of alternative actions per each WG in each region. Approx. from 5 to 10 actions Plenary session First analysys of the results made by the facilitator Source: Cordis - European Awareness Scenario Workshop
5.3. Identification of the objectives Key proposal identification Identification of the most suitable key proposals Key proposal analysis Voting about the most suitable key proposals Approx. 4-6 best proposals should be identified Responsible actors identification identification of responsibilities and actors to be involved in each action Source: Cordis - European Awareness Scenario Workshop
5.4. National and transnational action plan Local plan of action 1 plan of Action per region International meeting Planned to be joined with our next PP meeting Transnational action plan approval Source: Cordis - European Awareness Scenario Workshop
EASW methodology - summarization Common Vision 4 role groups (5 different stakeholders categories) Scenarios (vision about the future: negative & positive scenarios) 4 future visions Plenary session (each group presents its vision –> discussion –> list of common elements of all visions = basis for commonly shared future vision Common Strategy Generating the ideas on how the proposals in commonly shared future vision might be realised 4 theme groups Plenary session (presentation of 5 best ideas by each theme group -> voting procedure -> matrix (who/how) Common Strategy Action plan Plan of action at local level International meeting (representatives from different WG’s from each country) Transnational Action Plan
What needs to be delivered by partners Outputs specified in the AF + - Lists of participants from the workshop - Short meeting minutes - Pictu r es from the workshops Timeline of WP 5 activities Start of the action: foreseen in 13th month (March 2011) Deadline for completion: foreseen in 24th month (January 2012) - Postponed till the end of February 2012