From a Political Resolution… to a Work Programme
1. Developing the I & C rights of EWCs - I&C must take place in due time in order to play active role in decision- making process - Coordination of national and European strategies New EWC Directive creates new opportunities to increase influence and to better manage change New federation will : - Encourage development of new EWC (re)negotiations - Develop strategies to use full potential of new Directive - Strenghten TU coordination of EWCs, notably via training - Training, support and strenghtening network of EWC Coordinators; involvement in sector activities - Support / develop functioning of EWCs by influencing EWC agendas
2. Promoting participation in European Companies (SE) - Workers’ participation in SE = important tool to increase workers’ influence - Same policies for SE EWCs as for other EWCs - Objective to strenghten and further develop employee involvement in all European countries New federation will : - Actively support workers’ participation in SEs - Ensure high level of participation in boards - Strenghten structures / rights linked to involvement of workers at company level, linking-up workers representation on all levels of companies
3. Developing trade union coordination in multinational companies - Building common strategies and preventing workers being played off against each other - Deciding on joint actions at European level New federation will : - Take concrete actions, especially in cases of transnational restructuring to promote process of trust-building and finding common ground - Make use of trade union coordination groups, in cooperation with EWCs : coordination TU and employee strategies, and deciding on common actions
4. Focus on the anticipation and management of change - Change needs to be better anticipated and managed at company level in order to ensure sustainable company development and avoid negative effects on workers and employment New Federation will : - Promote innovative practices - Include use of I/C/P and European framework agreements - Promote the maintenance/development of skills and expert knowledge - Encourage development of jobs which promote qualification / do not harm health - Management of change as well along the value chain, in a socially repsonsible manner. In particular, innovatory practices need to be developed to improve workers’ rights, especially between prime contractors and subcontractors
5. Negotiating European framework agreements - Key to ensure upwrads harmonization of working conditions and guaranteeing fair solutions for all New Federation will : - Use internal mandate procedure for negotiations at company level, with respect for TU prerogatives such as collective agreements. - Support the negotiation of IFA’s in line with GUF guidelines - Promote CSR, European Social Charter, OECD Guidelines, ILO Conventions where we negotiate EFA’s or IFA’s
6. Promoting Trade Union Rights - TU rights are under attack everywhere, especially in TR, and in some countries / companies in SE Europe New federation will : - Utilise EWCs, board membership and TU’s in HQ country, to promote TU rights - Make defence of TU Rights an integral part of TU strategy when dealing / negotiating with social consequences of corporate actions
Company Policy Work Program Major impact of crisis on our sectors and companies > despite temporary measures > fall in employment - EWCs and Trade Unions have been directly confronted with this > restructuring, increase precarious employment, subcontracting… more insecurity - Workers’ involvement, management of change, transition to sustainable growth, continuous training are all important features in future Company Policy - Company policy is a core policy of industriAll Europe. Link to our 500 major companies and to our trade union delegates.
Future Priorities Work Programme 1.Workers’ involvement in multinational companies : a key element of the industriAll Europe strategy to defend workers’ interests -Crisis made clear : workers’ involvement in corporate strategy is necessary to prevent excesses of financial capitalism, and weakens long-term strategies -More I/C/P is needed. -Recast EWC Directive is an opportunity to ensure this objective is achieved.
Future Priorities Work Programme 1.Workers’ involvement in multinational companies : a key element of the industriAll Europe strategy to defend workers’ interests 1.1. EWCs : using the full potential of the new Directive -Linking I/C National / European level -Increase effectiveness of Consultation -Anchor EWCs in a European / National Industrial Relations system 1.2. Strenghtening EWC Coordination -EWC Coordinators are at the heart of the industriAll Europe coordination -Guidance and training for EWC Coordinators -Integration in sector activities -Database
Future Priorities Work Programme 1.Workers’ involvement in multinational companies : a key element of the industriAll Europe strategy to defend workers’ interests 1.3. EWCs : a tool to stimulate Social Dialogue -Exchange good practices on achievements of EWCs regarding H&S, CSR, Vocational Training, etc… 1.4. Promoting Participation in European Company Decision-making Bodies -Tool to increase workers’ influence -Support workers’ participation in SEs -Building up expertise
Future Priorities Work Programme 2. Anticipation and management of change, transnational restructuring and trade union coordination - Increase workers’ and trade union involvement. We ask a European framework for anticipation and management of change - Make full use of new I/C definitions of EWCs. Exchange good practices. - Tighter interaction between EWCs and Sector activities. - Role for EWC Coordinators - Secure Trade Union involvement and Coordination. Avoid playing off against each other. Trade Union Coordination Group meetings. European Framework Agreements between industriAll Europe and Company (in case of restructuring) - Agree on joint principles on how to deal with transnational restructuring -European action days
Future Priorities Work Programme 3. Promoting and developing negotiations within European Companies with a trade union mandate - Conclusion of European framework agreements (on restrucuturing, training, equal opportunities, …). Follow our internal mandate procedure - Promoting the European company level as level for trade union presence and visibility - Promoting the tool through our EWCs - Follow up EC initiatives : consultation on Transnational Company Agreements
Future Priorities Work Programme 4. Promoting trade unions and trade union rights in companies and EWCs - Follow up on company realities in new EU member States and EU Candidate countries (TR, …) - EWCs as tool for introducing respect of ILO Coventions, Human Rights, OECD Guidelines and problem solving in concrete cases. Role for EWC Coordinator. - Crisis has been used to decrease rights and to weaken labour law and trade union rights > follow up of new EU/relevant national legislative initiatives
Future Priorities Work Programme 5. Company level as platform for implementing overall industriAll Europe policies - Develop a close link with our Sector Activities, Policy Committee Activities and our EWCs