Belgian Building Research Institute – Performance Indicators for Health, Comfort and Safety of the Indoor Environment Some first conclusions.


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Presentation transcript:

Belgian Building Research Institute – Performance Indicators for Health, Comfort and Safety of the Indoor Environment Some first conclusions Jan Desmyter, Pierre-Henri Lefèbvre Belgian Building Research Institute

Some global statements  PERFECTION should focus on the performance of the indoor environment, and should place this within the context of sustainability.  The mission statement should be clear and concise, and also refer to sustainability.  Indoor environment is not only about indoor air quality, but considers comfort, accessibility, feeling of safety, security and positive stimulation.  The quality of the indoor environment, and especially the quality of indoor air, is determined by multiple factors, such as the construction products, the products and appliances used in the building, the human being and its activities, etc.  As far as construction products are concerned, these are tackled by CEN TC 351 and national (approval) bodies.  For other factors (furniture, perfumes, appliances,...), and potential interactions between construction products (secondary emissions), the situation is less clear. There PERFECTION can bring some added value.  The use phase of products and appliances such as ventilation systems should be addressed. In some cases/countries, this is addressed in standardisation, but important work remains to be done.

Belgian Building Research Institute Some global statements  Performance of the Indoor Environment is not only relevant in new, energy-efficient buildings, but also for existing and renovated buildings and cultural heritage.  We have to address the relation between health and IAQ, we have to admit that there is a lack of knowledge in that area. It certainly should be addressed in the definition of future research needs.  In the framework we have to identify positive and negative interactions between properties, and therefore also indicators. Quantifying the interaction will be hard, but from the qualitative point of view we need to address. An impact matrix is under development. Examples Visual Comfort versus Energy Efficiency Passive Houses, Presence of People and Indoor Pollutants...  The scope has to be clarified, certainly where the link between outdoor and indoor environment is concerned. Examples: Pollutions from outdoors, Communication in the virtual area, Electro-magnetic fields.  Importance of the end-user friendliness. Control, adaptability and usability are within the scope.  All stakeholders have to be addressed: users, clients, policy makers, decision takers, control agencies.

Belgian Building Research Institute Some global statements  PERFECTION should focus on indicators, frameworks, assessment and measurement methods. Requirements have to be defined at the regional level.  Scaling may be used, but should be transparent and based upon real data. Scaling should be defined so that in can be readily adapted to future developments. Avoid A+++.  PERFECTION addresses real, tangible indicators whenever possible. If not, facility management policies, checklists or other assessments may be advised, and in the future new methods may be developed.  From the policy point of view, it may be necessary to give recommendations to which party should be responsible for regulations. Should it be the building authority or the Ministry of Justice or the anti-discrimination bodies?  Much will depend upon the effective control mechanisms installed.  Accessibility has a price/cost, but if you start from a good design, you are able to do it at reasonable cost.

Belgian Building Research Institute Policy Questions  Regional workshops could help to address regional issues. We can base it upon the POLIS experience in which BBRI organised a limited number of local workshops with France, Luxemburg, the Netherlands and Belgium.  A white paper could be prepared, in order to be distributed in conferences, etc. Also the newsletter is interesting in this area.  Refurbishment is not enough addressed in European calls. Indoor environment is also particular important in special focus areas, such cultural heritage buildings and museums.  The indoor environment is too important not to be covered by European calls. Also social and psychological issues have to be addressed. Low energy building is technology-driven, but the user is not enough involved. It has to be user-driven, and more business-oriented.